fifty five

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Maybe she was busy. Maybe she needs time for herself. Maybe she got lots of things she needed to do and doesn't want to be interrupt?

Hopefully, that is the case. Jimin sighed as he put back his phone on the table, running a hand through his hair, he lean his back on the couch.

He was getting more frustrated day by day, it felt like his phone was no use and he wanted to get rid of it just because he couldn't receive any texts from someone he had gotten used to get everyday.

He glance back again at the thing on the table. It looks lifeless like how he describe himself. He look at the ceiling, biting his lip, arms are spread on both side on the couch, while half crossing his legs.

"Why are you doing this to me..." He mumbled, staying on his place, listening to the silence that the house brings.

No one in his parents could even come home this time due to a full schedule. And he felt more empty at that.

Counting until ten before he decided to reach for his phone again. Desperate—it might look that way, but he couldn't stop from sending another text.

No one fucking owns his phone but him and he can do whatever he wanted, and that is to make a rain of text messages on his lovely girl—in which he couldn't receive any response until now.

The wind blows the same like the last time when she was sorry and yet—she did it again, she's ignoring the poor guy again.

Jimin wondered what is happening to her. She was confusing him big time. He couldn't have the guts to visit her home because he doesn't feel going. But he misses her so much.

He couldn't have a chance to see or look at her eyes again. When will their friends invite them for a hangout? Because that will be the only option to see her, that is left with Jimin.

Y/N looks at her boyfriend then back on the Tv screen. Jungkook was having the best time of his life, playing games with her.

She was never been a fan of it, and hell she had never seen herself playing this before, but who is she to deny the cutie guy's request? In all honesty, she enjoyed it by the way.

"Aish...Why do we keep playing when it's always you who'd won on the end?" She pouts. "I put my damn efforts, but I can't just defeat you!" She whined.

Jungkook chuckles at that. "I'm sorry...You look cute when you're loosing. Don't worry, atleast you've won my heart."

The thing Jungkook had wished to happen was already granted. The once worried look on his eyes was being replaced. And Y/N was thankful that she chose this way.

Atleast, she could now see Jungkook smile the way he used to be. They way his eyes almost disappear when he laughs or smile, it was something that reminds her of Jim— Oh no.

She bite her lip. No, not again. She shouldn't be thinking about him. This is Jungkook we're talking about, and when it says Jungkook—then it should only be Jungkook and no one else.

But she couldn't stop herself from thinking. How is he? Is he mad? Is he busy? Where is he? What is he doing? No one can answer that but only Park Jimin himself.

She still do get the text messages, and as much as she wanted to reply to each, she chose to ignore all of it. But that didn't stop her phone to beep again and again.

It's for the better. Sooner or later, Jimin will stop beeping her. She's just waiting for that to happen.

But isn't she a little too unfair? It seems like it was just so easy for Y/N to let someone go, even if she promised that she won't leave him ever again.

She knew she was at fault in here. What would Jimin say if he finds out that she is close to giving up what they had builded just for Jungkook and her relationship to be better.

Here, Jimin was still waiting for her, but she was changing the way her life goes, in which she doesn't know if she should put Jimin back to it.

It was really hard to choose. But she let herself chose Jungkook, because that is where she was destined to be—to be on his side.

But who was the first person she chose before? Yes, it was Park Jimin—the ultimate playboy that had changed because of her. He was her first choice on everything.

See? How can she forget a damn thing about him if she keeps on thinking him over and over again? And if her phone keeps on accepting new messages from the same guy—who wasn't even planning on giving up?

Jimin felt drowning on his own bed. He had thought of something to do to keep him busy, but he always ended up being on his phone, watching it closely, hoping she would text. But there was none.

It's impossible that those messages that he had sent weren't received by the girl. It's very clear on his phone that it was sent already, and on the right person.

Did something happen? He had asked himself. He knew Y/N, if she's in trouble, then he'll know about it.

Just as he was about to close his eyes. The phone on his hand made a sound, signaling someone texted.

He waste no time and immediately look who it was. You could sense the excitement on his body. But his shoulders get down in disappointment.

tomorrow 7pm? Let's drink because I miss you guys.

It's not what he expected to have. But, Jimin was relieved at that. Finally, a gathering where he's sure he could see her. He will not let it pass, instead, he'll make himself ready.

But Y/N was not really happy with that. Jungkook was glad to be with everyone again, she could see it from his eyes that lighten up as soon as he read that text on her.

She smiled—the fake one. She wasn't really glad at all, but what can she say? It's their friends.

Guess, there's no escape in this, isn't there?

She chose to ignore him, but faith is really a bitch that he wants them to see each other again.

Y/N was nervous. What if she couldn't control herself and just look at him minute by minute? How on earth will she perfectly ignore him, when thinking about seeing him again excites her?

And the worst part is, she may get confused again if she sees him.

i love u, who's reading this💜

promise me that you will love yourself no matter what, you are aesthetic🌸

an ami💜

i need you (Book 1) || park jiminWhere stories live. Discover now