Chapter 2- Face remodeling

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"Hey, Justin," I greeted the pilot as I got into the plane. Empty brown leather seats lined the inside. A en suite was at the back of the plane, classy I know, which I planned to make good use of.

"Miss Grey," he was always so formal no matter how many times I asked him not to be. He was young enough to be my brother so I saw no need for that type of formalities.

"Justin, I won't speak to you again if you don't call me Kate and I'm so sorry for the time changes. You know what Alex can be like sometimes," I buckled into one of the many available seats, ready for take off.

"I do indeed Miss..." I glared at him, "Kate," he finally managed to say and I smiled a little victory smile.

"That wasn't so hard was it," he smiled, shying away.

"Ready for take off?"

"Yes," I replied enthusiastically but all I really wanted to do was hit the hay for the rest of the night. At least I can have some rest before tomorrow.

Justin walked into the cockpit and closed the door behind him. Minutes later the plane began to move. I've always hated this part of flying, as well as the landing part. It upset me to my core and I was often convinced that I would throw up right then and there. Once we were safely in the air, I unbuckled myself from my seat and headed towards the cockpit to pay Justin one last visit before I knock out.

"Hey," Im pretty sure that I startled him but he hid it well, "if I'm still asleep by 8 o clock, don't hesitate to break down the door and throw a bucket of iced water on me okay."

"Okay, goodnight," he laughed.

"Goodnight." With that I headed out the cockpit towards the room.

I entered and locked the door behind me. Instant relief flooded my body as I got rid of my stilettos and freed myself from the dress, jewelry and makeup. I was way to drained to take a shower so I just changed into a pair of shorts and a baggy tee, my trademark sleep wear, and settled into bed. I set an alarm on my cell for 5 hours from now and snuggled into the comfy sheets and passed out blissfully.


I awoke to the annoying buzzing of my alarm. I could sense that we had landed and by looking at the time, I'm pretty sure we landed a good couple of hours ago. It was 6am already which meant that I had exactly an hour to get ready in order to be there in time. Don't want to make a bad impression on my first day.

I got out of bed and performed my regular morning routine. I had already picked out an outfit in advance and had it hung up saving me the ironing. I put on my black skinny jeans that reached just above my ankles, a baby blue blouse and 3 inch black heels. I applied minimal make-up, just some eyeliner and lipstick, and let my chocolate brown hair hang low in their natural wavy form. I grabbed my purse stuffed with my essentials and my white coat with Dr. K. Grey engraved above the left pocket and I was good to go.

The doors were open and as I walked out of the plane I found Justin waiting with a mug of what I assumed was black coffee in his hand. Next to him stood my ride, my pearl white BMW I8.

Thank you, Alex!

Alex always had a habit of gifting me things that couldn't fit in my pocket or in a purse and this baby right here was my 21st birthday gift from him.

"Morning," Justin greeted me, handing me my coffee.

"Thank you and morning to you too. What are you doing out?"

"Getting some fresh air. Ready for your first day?" He asked.

"Hopefully," I glanced at my wrist watch and realized that I had 20 minutes to get to the hospital. I walked to my car, "I have to go. Thank you for flying me," I said jumping in.

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