It's been 2 weeks since that awkward and extremely confusing encounter with Tyler and to be honest, it wasn't affecting me as much as I thought it would.
I didn't think that I'd be able to face him after what happened but I decided to be the bigger person. I've wasted enough of my precious time on this topic and I realized that there was nothing I could do to change the fact that the 2 of us worked together so I decided to keep our business strictly professional.
Tyler was just going to be another guy to me. A colleague. An associate.
I'd greet him once in the mornings as common courtesy and I did my best to distance myself from him. That is what he wanted after all.
Today, I was on Dr Peters' service covering the ER with a couple of senior residents. It's as busy as it usually is with injuries ranging from minor concussions to major broken bones.
It was just after lunch when commotion entered through the ambulance bay. Seeing the stretcher being quickly rolled in, I rush over to them only to have another resident do the same.
Tyler! Seriously! So much for keeping your distance.
"I've got this," I bit out.
"I can help," he replied, completely ignoring me.
I didn't bother fighting over the patient more so because the patient was a child that couldn't have been more than 5 years old. His mum was right at his side with tear stained cheeks as she watched her son convulse rigorously. A thick accent accompanied her calming words.
We got him into a trauma room and worked to stop his convulsions by turning him on his side and giving him an injection to help calm him down.
Leaving the boy in the care of one of the senior nurses until he wakes up, Tyler and I stepped outside the room to talk to the mother who was pacing frantically.
"Ma'am," I caught her attention, "I'm Dr Grey, this is Dr Blake. Your son is stable but can you tell us what happened."
She introduced herself as Mia and identified her son as Nico before she began telling us the story, "Nico and his brother were playing outside and the next thing I heard was something hit the ground. I got outside and Nico was unconscious on the ground before he started convulsing and I ..." She broke of as her tears threatened to take over.
This was my first serious trauma case since starting so I didn't quite know how to comfort a mother in this predicament. So, I went over to her and just hugged her.
"It's okay. Está bien, Mia," she looked more relaxed when I spoke to her in her home language.
"Kate," Tyler cocked his head towards Nico's room and I directed Mia into the room where her son was. She rushed over to a now awake Nico and hugged him tight.
"I'll get Dr Peters," Tyler stated before walking away.
I joined the mother and son inside the room and took a seat across from them, filling out a chart to Nico. He looked fine but then again, looks can be deceiving.
A few minutes after Dr Peters and Tyler returned, I noticed a patch of blood forming on the white pillow behind Nico's head. That sent us all into panic mode, especially when Nico finally registered the pain.
He cried out for his mother as the doctors prepared to get him to an OR. Mia watched on in horror after granting us permission to take Nico for surgery.
I caught up to them in the elevators. Nico looked extremely panicked and who'd blame him, he was 5. When he flinched in pain, I took a hold of his hand and tried to offer the same soothing words that his mother did.

In due time (Completed)
Romance"You were worried about me, Specs?" He smirked. "No, Tyler. I hoped that someone cut up your corpse and fed it to paranas. Obviously I was, you idiot! I'm a doctor. Worrying about people is kind of programmed into my system. It's a curse if you ask...