Chapter 39- Psycho

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"The shot is nearly 100% effective, as long as it's administered regularly. Once a month to be exact," Dr Jones explains to me what I already knew. "So, you have to come in for your appointment on time, Dr Grey."

"Call me Kate," I smile back at the doctor infront of me, "that won't be a problem, Dr Jones" seeing as we both work in the same hospital.

"Perfect. You're next appointment will be in exactly a months time," she says as she stands up and I follow suit.

"Thank you, Dr Jones. Have a great evening," I tell her and extend my hand as a sign of gratitude.

"You too, Kate."

With that final exchange, I leave her office and head for the residents lounge. Our shift had long been over and the guys had already left, Tyler as well after much convincing, but the girls agreed to stay with me until my appointment was over. They had a hidden agenda though. They planned on dragging my ass to the mall to get my man a gift, as they put it.

"Ready?" Hazel asked enthusiastically as soon as I entered the room.

"Almost," I replied as I walked over to my cubicle and gathered up my things.

With you purse slung over my shoulder I was good to go. We navigated our way out of the hospital and towards Nic's Jaguar. Nic and Hazel usually carpool and today I was joining them. With Tyler driving me to and from work almost everyday, my car had been out of use for the past few weeks.

"Kate, you're driving," Nic tells me.


"You know I only drive if I really have to." That was her way of acknowledging her laziness.

"Fine," I agree and catch the flying set of keys.

Nic takes the passenger seat while Hazel crawls into the back. One final seatbelt check and I pull out of the parking lot.

The drive to the mall is slow, the roads pooling over with afternoon traffic. With traffic comes reckless drivers and terrible road rage but I try and keep my cool.

"Watch where you're going, A-hole!" I wish I could say the same for my backseat driver.

"Hang in there, Hay. We're almost there," I tease my friend.

"One day. One day I tell you, if a deadly infection from the hospital doesn't kill me, this traffic will."

Drama queen.

For the next ten minutes Hazel's never ending string of profanities keeps us entertained until I pull into the mall parking lot

"So, what do you plan on getting him?" Nic asks just as the cool blast of the air-conditioning hits our face as we enter.

"I honestly have no clue. I'm horrible at picking out gifts," I admit.

"Luckily for you, you have us," Hazel smiles from ear to ear.

"That's more terrifying than it is comforting," I joke.

"Oh come on, all I suggest you get is a couple of BDSM tools, some sexy lingerie and voila, happy birthday Tyler."

That suggestion coming from anyone else would've surprised me but not from Hazel.

"Yeah, no thanks. I think I'll pass." Her look of disappointment was hilarious as if she actually expected me to agree to that suggestion.

"How about a shirt or a watch or socks," Nic chirps in.

"At least one of y'all are sensible. Good idea, Nic but maybe not the socks" I remark.

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