January 1st.
The last few weeks of what was collectively the best and close to worst year of our lives were surprisingly good and...normal.
After Susan's arrest, everything seemed to be falling into place. Work was work, no changes there. The Blake's were no longer the highlight of every media outlet in LA. Christmas was good, for once. Alex only got back from his business trip a few days before Christmas Eve and we were able to have some quality family time. I couldn't remember when was the last time we were all together for Christmas or any holiday for that matter which made me cherish every moment spent this Christmas.
Tyler and I have practically been living together since the arrest but there were the odd nights when we worked different shifts at the hospital and ended up staying at our respective apartments. Our little group of friends had gotten closer in more than one way. Dimitri and Hazel's relationship was finally looking good, as it should be while Javi and Nic had they're own official- unofficial thing going on for them. I had finally allowed myself to accept the good things that were happening in my life while Tyler...well, Tyler was happy for once. He smiled genuine smiles more often and stressed less. I could physically see the change in him, like a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
To celebrate the beginning of the new year, Tyler and I opted for a quiet celebration amongst friends. After we all finished our shift at the hospital, we headed to Tyler's apartment for a New Years Eve dinner and a few friendly games of poker and karaoke before the fireworks began.
Today, St Grace memorial hospital was going to be slightly understaffed. The first year residents along with the department chiefs were invited to mother's annual charity event.
My eyes cracked open at 10am sharp, the stinging light of day and the growling of my empty stomach acting as my alarm clock.
"I heard that," Tyler's rough morning voice chuckled from next to me, teasing my noisy stomach that seemed to develop a life of its own.
The soft, cotton sheets were cool against my bare skin as I rolled onto my side to face him. He was stretched out with his hands crossed behind his head and his mouth turned up into the form of a smile. I squeezed myself into the space between his arm and chest and rested my cheek against his heart.
"My belly feels neglected," I replied while tracing out the ridges of his abdomen with light strokes of my finger.
"Really?" His voice is light and teasing while he copies my movements, tickling my skin with the gentle touch of his fingers. "Well, what would it like of breakfast then?"
"Waffles," I grin up at him, "and a fruit salad."
"Yes, ma'am." He kisses the top of my head and starts to get up.
I prop my head up on my hands and take in the intricate curves of every muscle in his back while he slips into sweat pants. I should probably get out of bed as well. I pick up his navy blue button up shirt from the floor and slipped into it. After we're both washed and ready for breakfast, I pulled my hair into a knot at the top of my head, put on my glasses and headed out towards the kitchen.
Tyler had a bowl in front of him and the island lined with ingredients. His eyes were focused on the back of the box of pre-made waffle mixture.
"Need some help?" I asked.
"No, I totally got this," his reply is cool but screamed help me.
"Okay," I shrugged and went around him to put the coffee machine on.
"Ah huh," I nodded and started work on the fruit salad with the ingredients that he already had laid out.

In due time (Completed)
Romance"You were worried about me, Specs?" He smirked. "No, Tyler. I hoped that someone cut up your corpse and fed it to paranas. Obviously I was, you idiot! I'm a doctor. Worrying about people is kind of programmed into my system. It's a curse if you ask...