Chapter 8- Stalker

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"Are you always this excited when it comes to food?" I asked Nic as she stood eagerly behind me in the cafeteria.

"Duh! Anything that makes my insides happy makes me happy," she shot me a huge grin.

I loaded up on the green salad with a little pasta on the side and a bottle of water. We walked in unison towards what's now become 'our' table. The others were probably still busy so for now it was just Nic and I.

"You eat like a rabbit," Nic stated, comparing my tray to hers.

"It's healthier to eat more smaller meals than big ones. You should try it sometime. Plus, I have a colonoscopy with Dr Johnson after lunch. I don't think I could stomach that on a full stomach," I informed her.

"Please child, I still eat either way," she stated. We both shoved a fork full of the greens into our mouth before being interupted by a babbling strawberry blonde.

"Huh! I knew it! Bam! What did I tell you," Hazel slammed a couple of pages down on the table between Nic and I.

Ahh crap!

This entire week, Hazel's been on my case as to why I looked so familiar to her. With my mum gone to Washington for the entire week for some sort of conference, I've been able to avoid the topic a little longer but now, I guess she's figured it out.

The pictures, thanks Alex for not taking it down like I've asked so long ago, were of my family. Some of Alex and I at a couple of the events that I was forced to attend. Others included my mother at the many fundraiser events that she's hosted over the years.

"You're brother is Alex Grey! The Alex Grey! Billionaire hotshot in New York," Hazel short-circuited and said the statements more like questions. I watched as Nic's jaw dropped silently. I didn't get to answer her before she went on.

"And your mother is Victoria Grey. As in Dr Victoria Grey, the freaking chief of surgery!"

"Uhmm, yeah," I sheepishly answered.

"Are you freaking kidding me! Why didn't you tell us?" Nic finally spoke.

"Did you actually go through all this trouble just because I looked familiar," I laughed, directing my question to Hazel.

"Please, it's no trouble at all since I practically stalk your brother. I just happened to be surfing the web of super hot guys, my usual routine, and then he just popped up. Then I found you and it all made sense," she seemed pretty impressed with herself.

"Yeah, that's not creepy at all."

"Any chance he's open to marriage? I mean, we're only 5 years apart, no big deal right?"

"Get in line child," I burst her bubble remembering all the others girls, even some guys, that have a crush on my brother.

"Where them other home wreckers at? I'm gonna end them," she stood up dramatically, rolling up her imaginary sleeves ready for a fight. Nic and I just laughed.

"Seriously though, Kate, why didn't you tell us?" Nic asked.

"I was going to, eventually. I was mostly hoping to avoid all of this," I gestured to a daydreaming Hazel.

"She's always like this. It's like she's wired this way."

We both chuckled before Hazel continued indefinitely.

"So, Kate. Since we're friends and everything, do you think that I could maybe meet him?"

I palmed my forehead which was now beginning to hurt. I had to do something to get her off my back so I improvised.

"I'll make you a deal," that grabbed her attention, "I could somehow get you to meet him if you drop the subject."

"It's such a good subject though," Hazel pouted before I raised an eyebrow at her. "Fine!" She agreed, reluctantly.

"Good!" I smiled, almost feeling victorious but I knew better.

We ate silently for a couple of minutes before the guys joined one by one. We were all on different doctors services from now on so, during lunch we caught up on chatter. Hazel, not being able to contain her new discovery any longer, blurted out everything to Javi, Tyler and Dimitri. I wasn't upset or anything but I was just annoyed that the conversation remained focused on me.

"So, you're a Mama's girl," Dimitri joked. I glared daggers at him before throwing a napkin in his face.

"Just because your family has power doesn't mean you can't be a success on your own," Tyler said, defending me. I was quite surprised.

He's just trying to get in your good books.

I appreciated the gesture but all he got from me was a grateful smile. Don't want to be passing off mixed signals.

"Whatever. Anyway," Dimitri continued, "the week after next, our old high school soccer team wants to get together for a little friendly match. Javi is joining us on the team, do you girls want to come?"

"What? So we could be your cheerleaders?" Hazel was snappy. She somehow always sounded subtly bitter towards Dimitri. I don't know if I was misreading the situation or if there was actual bad blood there.

"I wouldn't mind," Dimitri smirked.

Wow! I guess he's just as bad as Tyler.

"He's being an ass," Tyler stepped in, "we'll go out for drinks afterwards or something."

"I could live with that," Hazel was a little more relaxed this time around.

Everyone seemed happy with the answer but not Tyler. He just had to get something out of me as well.

"I take it you'll be there as well?" He whispered next to me. That's now become his usual spot.

"I'll think about it," I whispered back.

"Is that the only answer in your vocabulary, Specs?" That word again. Why the hell did he always call me that.

Maybe you could just ask him!

Maybe later. Right now I had to think of a smart reply for his damn question.

"It is, when you're the one asking the question." I snarled.

I heard him chuckle under his breath before returning his attention to his tray.

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