Chapter 20- Unexpected guest

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Shit! Why didn't I say something to her? Anything! Moron!

I've been procrastinating for 2 weeks now. Everytime I opened my mouth to say something to Specs, the words just seemed to evaporate.

So, yet again I found myself walking her out of the hospital defeated by my own cowardice. It was almost 8am when the day shift staff began rolling into the lot. Hazel had just pulled in when my brain concocted an idea and so I found myself approaching.

"Morning, Hay," I said as a way of greeting.

"Hey you. Getting ready to head out?"

"Yeah, but first I need a favor from you," I told her.

She tapped her chin with her index finger while she thought about her answer, "and what do I get out of it?" Why was she being difficult?

"My ravishing smile," I joked, trying to cut myself some slack.

"What do need?" She smiled, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Do you happen to know Kate's address? I only know where her apartment is but since she isn't staying there as yet, I was hoping you'd be able to tell me her current address."

"Why?" She questioned with suspicion clearly written all over her face.

Shit! I didn't think this far!

"She forgot her cell. Just wanted to return it," I lied.

"Ohh, I can take it later if you'd like," she replied, obviously not believing my lies but also not taking the god damn hint.

I let out a frustrated sigh and ran my fingers down my face, " you or do you not know it?"

After taking a sip from the coffee mug that she was holding, she reached in her bag, pulled out a pen, grabbed my wrist and jotted down something on my palm.

"Do the right thing," she said before taking off.

"Thank you!" I yelled after her.

I glanced down at the fresh ink on my palms and noticed the side note below the address. I'd better not have wasted my ink for nothing- it said with a weird smirk face next to it.

I chuckled to myself before jumping in my car and heading to my apartment to catch up on some sleep. If I was going to do what I had in mind, I seriously needed some energy.

At around 4pm, I found myself parked around the block from Specs' house. I felt like a serial killer staking out his next victim while I weighed my options. 1, she listens to what I have to say and 2, I get flat out rejected. Simple yet frightening.

5 minutes in and I watched as chief Grey pulled into her driveway. Why was she home so early? I was not expecting this.

Great! What if chief Grey answers instead of Specs? What do I even say to her? I did not think this through!

Well, it's too late to turn back now. Come on, Tyler! You got this...I hope!



Shit! Shit! Shit!

I held in my shrill screams after running straight into a boulder, almost snapping my ankle in half. The monitor on my phone, strapped to my arm, escalated a beat but soon dropped back down to normal.

Shit! It hurt like hell.

The good news was that I was only a block away from my mum's. I half jogged, half limped home. As I pulled up to the front door, I noticed that mum was already home. Earlier than usual but that was nice since I won't be spending that much time with her after I officially move out next week.

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