Chapter 48- Into my nightmare

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The air was chilly and bit at my skin. I immediately regretted not carrying a woollen shrug or throw over. I juggled between flagging down a taxi or getting an Uber but both would just keep me in a confined space and that's the last thing I needed right now. I needed air and space to clear my head and think everything through. I had no doubt that in the next 10 minutes or less Tyler would be looking for me. I couldn't face him yet. Yes, he had no idea what was happening and I had no clue how or if I was going to tell him.

The streets of LA weren't exactly all that safe, especially at night but I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind to think about that. I found myself walking away from city hall and didn't stop until I reached my apartment. In 4 inch heels, it was nowhere close to a calming or comfortable walk. The balls of my feet felt as if they were being continuously stabbed with needles and my calves burned. I guess the pain helped me block out the real situation at hand even for just a short while and for that I was grateful. It seemed highly unlikely but every 20 seconds I found myself turning back and checking if I was being followed. Tears burned down my cheeks like a waterfall as I picked up my pace. I didn't know if I was crying from the pain in my feet or the pain in my chest.

It could've been anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes before my apartment came into view. When I entered the lobby I freed myself of my shoes. The soft carpet beneath my feet felt heavenly but when I looked down and saw the red rims around the edges of my feet, I knew it was going to blister. I hit the button for my floor and near stumbled out when the elevator dinged to a stop. I punched in the security code to my apartment and threw myself in as soon as the door cracked open.

Just as quickly, I shut the door behind me and felt the energy drain from every inch of my body. I threw my shoes to the side and slid down the door, feeling the tsunami wash over me. I thought that by now I'd be all cried out but apparently that wasn't the case.

My only hope now was that I had a few more hours to figure my shit out before I wasn't alone anymore.



Two minutes had gone but I waited patiently. As soon as Specs was out of the restroom, I was getting her out of here and back to my apartment.

Dimitri was busy abusing the bars services and was close to being tipsy. The music became upbeat and more people flocked to the dancefloor. It was close 9pm but the people that weren't publically displaying their dance moves, or lack thereof, were leaving. From my right, I found my parents approaching me.

"We're gonna call it a night, Ty," my mum spoke.

"Thank you guys for coming. I'm sure it meant a lot to Kate and her mum."

My dad's laugh caught me off guard and I gave him a questioning look.

"Son," he started. "You remember all those years when we tried to get you to come with us to those New year's day functions and you refused?"

"I think it's more accurate to say that I politely declined."

"Sure you did, sweetheart," my mum laughed.

"Well, all those functions were hosted by Victoria," my dad informed me. I could feel my jaw falling to the floor.

Oh, how fucking sweet was cruel irony!

"Which means that you could've met Kate a long time ago but you were too busy being a rebellious brat to listen to us. But we still love you," my mum added.

"Gee thanks mum."

My dad patted my shoulder and said, "well, see you soon son." My mum came in for a hug. I nodded and they were off.

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