She looked at me all sad eyed and curious and I didn't even get to the depressing shit as yet. Noticing her silence, I continued.
"Weeks ago you asked me to talk to someone but I was too damn arrogant and way too proud to admit to myself that talking was exactly what I needed. I was stuck in the fear of the past and thought that I'd be making a huge mistake dragging you into my complicated world, hell I still think I'm making a mistake."
My hands tightened around the steering wheel, turning my knuckles a pale white. Noticing the anxiety clearly written all over my face, she stretched out her hand to touch mine, allowing me to relax but that didn't last long.
"Come on," I told her.
I jumped out and went around the car to open the door for her before she did it on her own accord. Before walking any further, we removed our shoes and held it in our hands. The warm sand hitting my bare feet calmed my nerves as we walked towards the shore in silence.
She sat first on the ground, a good distance away from the shore. I took my place next to her, propping my arms onto my bent knees and watched as the waves calmly flowed through the sea.
"You're the first person that I've brought here in almost 5 years," I started, "the last time, things didn't end so well. Now, I just come here if I want an escape."
The images tried to push through but I did my best to suppress them. I got antsy. I ruffled my hair and absentmindedly picked at the golden sand at my sides. Being antsy was usually my way of procrastinating in a situation.
"Being in university was supposed to be a good thing right? New chapter, new beginning, new opportunities. It was meant to be a memorable experience. Well, university was definitely memorable to me for more reasons than one. It changed me and entirely altered the path that I'd hoped my life would take. Honestly, now that I think about it, it's the reason why I am how I am."
"A major ass?" She joked, breaking the silence that I left.
"Sort of. I guess you could say that," I laughed it off. "I wish I knew where to start, Specs."
"The beginning would be nice," she flashed me a warm smile and half whispered.
The sun was beginning to set over the horizon and the waves calmed.
"Everyone's had a crush on someone at least once in their life, right? Be it a summer fling or a one sided love interest. We've all had them. I just never thought that a crush could turn into something so amazing."
She just sat in silence, listening to everything I had to say.
"Stephanie Evens. She was a lot like you actually just minus the glasses. Smart, sensitive, feisty," she laughed. "We were friends from freshman year in highschool but came junior year, we decided to give our relationship a new approach. Now that I think about it, that was probably the biggest mistake that the 2 of us could've ever made."
"People always told us that we were young and had no clue about what love was. They said that what we had were the results of hormones and chemical secretions in the brain making you in love with the idea of love. Don't get me wrong, we weren't the perfect couple but we sure as hell were real."
"My parents saw her as their own daughter. We got through highschool together and remained together in university. We thought that's how it'd always be but we were so, so wrong."
I could feel her stares but not once did I look her in the eye.
"At the end of our first year in uni, I brought her here for the weekend. It wasn't as lavish as it is now, just a regular beach house but it served it's purpose."

In due time (Completed)
Roman d'amour"You were worried about me, Specs?" He smirked. "No, Tyler. I hoped that someone cut up your corpse and fed it to paranas. Obviously I was, you idiot! I'm a doctor. Worrying about people is kind of programmed into my system. It's a curse if you ask...