Chapter 35- Lavender

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"I love you, Specs," I say before I realize it.

Way to go, Tyler!

I half expected her to say it back but the other half knew better. After everything that she just told me, I think it was way too soon for me to say those words to her but I sure as hell don't regret it.

Instead of feeling her body tense the way I'd expected it to, I hear the sound of her even breathing. Was she asleep already? It seemed plausible, she's obviously tired.I can't help the grin that takes over my face once I hear her light snoring. It's way more pleasant compared to the loud, obnoxious sounds that come from Dimitri whenever he stays over.

I have to admit, at one point I'd given up hope that our relationship would ever become something more but now, almost 9 months later, I'm reveling in the fact that I fought for this. She may not know it but it was an internal battle that I was constantly fighting from the moment I saw her and now, it looks like it's paid off. I was convinced that, being the ass that I am, I would fuck up so badly along the line that she'd cut all ties with me but her being right here, next to me, tells a completely different story.

The euphoric feeling that takes over my body is indescribable. Out of every possible guy on this occasionally incredible planet, she found me. She chose me over them. Over her ex.

Replaying what she told me earlier on makes me sick to my core. It worries me that she had all of this secrets weighing her down for so long. The stuff with her father stirred a burning anger in me that I thought I'd gotten rid of years ago. However, her ex only seemed to magnify that furnace by 100 degrees.

Only after she was done did I realize that she didn't even give me her ex's name or her father's. I guess it's safer that way though because if her father wasn't dead and if her ex wasn't rotting away in jail as he should be, I would've made it my duty to find them and god only knows what would've happened if I did. I probably would've pulled a good couple of years in jail and my father might not even be able to help me out of that situation. Specs would probably be talking to me through a layer of glass and a telephone.

I shake my head in an attempt to rid myself of my murderous thoughts and focus back on the present. Back on the fact that I love this incredible yet occasionally frustrating and stubborn women that is sound asleep in my arms.

After Steph, love seemed like a forgotten emotion. One that was buried in a box within a box at the very bottom of my heart. Even with a nagging itch at the back of my mind that's still telling me that this won't last, I am certain that the love I feel for Specs is pure and real and if I'm being really honest, it's stronger than anything I've ever felt before. Even stronger than what I felt for Stephanie. I feel god awful for saying that but I know it's true. I really did love Steph with all that I had but this, with Specs, is in a completely different league of it's own. I just hope that she feels the same. Even if she doesn't admit it or say it now, I won't push her because I know that I meant it.

My life is slowly beginning to get back on track again, after what felt like a lifetime of missed trains. My only hope now is that it stays this way.



I love you, Specs.


I love you, Specs.

Oh God!

I love you, Specs.

Okay! Shut it!

Tyler's words are stuck on repeat as my eyes begin to flutter open. The overly bright morning light entered through the open curtains and I could smell hints of spearmint in the air. My head rested on a gloriously naked chest and moved in sync with the low breathing. A hand was thrown over my waist while the other tangled itself in the mess that was my hair. It took a while for my eyes to adjust and rid itself of the sleep. I let out a low groan as every muscle in my body awakened, bringing back all the sensations and the pain from last night. The god awful, unwelcomed pain between my legs registered as soon as I was fully awake causing me to wince.

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