6 months later
Kate"You know you really shouldn't still be at work, you look like you could pop at any moment," Tyler said as he passed me my chiffon top from the closet.
"Geez, Ty. Thanks for the compliment," I sarcastically responded. "You can thank your bundles of joy for that."
Soooo... Looks like Alex may have been on the right path all those months ago when he asked all those questions about my pregnancy. During my check up at the end of my first trimester, Dr Michaels confirmed that we were having twins. That explained the earlier than usual baby bump. Apparently twins had the tendency to hide behind one another during early scans or else we would've picked it up sooner.
"I'm serious, Specs. You said you were going to fill in your application last week."
Tyler returned to work 2 months after the funeral and has been pestering me for the past month to go on leave already. I get that he was just looking out for me but as much as I should be on leave, I can't just yet. I'll lose my freaking mind if I had to stay home the entire day doing nothing but eating, yoga and reading baby books.
"I still have 4 weeks to go, Ty but fine," I conceded, "I'll fill in the application today after my shift."
"Yeah, I'm not buying it," he chuckled under his breath as he slipped into his leather jacket.
"I promise, okay."
Downstairs, I threw a couple of poptarts in the toaster while Tyler poured himself a tall mug of coffee and a glass of orange juice for me.
"God, I miss coffee," I sighed as I bit into my tart.
We were almost ready to get going but a sharp cramping pain shot through my abdomen, stopping me in my tracks.
"Woah, you okay Specs?" Tyler asked. His arms were outstretched as if he was ready to catch me if I passed out.
"Yeah. It's just cramps," I assured him.
"It's been happening for a few days."
"And you didn't tell me?" He actually looked like a hurt puppy. God, why was he like this. I almost laughed.
"Because it's not a big deal. Now, c'mon or we're gonna be late."
As I proceeded to take another step towards the door, the pain shot through me again but this time worse than its ever been before. Then came a strange feeling.
"Uhmm Tyler?" I stopped him as he was about to open the door.
"My water just broke," I said, trying to keep my calm for both our sakes.
"Ah ha?" Did he hear what I said? If he did, he was taking a long time to process it. I raised my eyebrows, giving him that "well?" expression then I watched as his face contorted into comprehension.
"Oh. Ohhh, shit! Water! Fuck uhmm.." he looked as if he was short circuiting and I didn't know whether to laugh through the pain or scream at him.
"Tyler! Calm down." I tried to say as calmly as possible.
"Bag? We need the bag!" He rushed upstairs to retrieve the hospital bag we had prepared a week ago. It had clothes and everything else I'd need for when the time came.
"Got it! Can you walk?" He asked and placed his hand on the small of my back.
"Yeah, can we just go?"
On our way to the hospital, Tyler had called up my mum and she had prepared a private room. The pain was excruciating, worse than anything I'd ever felt before. 4 hours into labour and the nurse finally decided to administer an epidural. Tyler never left my side and that was one thing I was grateful for.

In due time (Completed)
Romantik"You were worried about me, Specs?" He smirked. "No, Tyler. I hoped that someone cut up your corpse and fed it to paranas. Obviously I was, you idiot! I'm a doctor. Worrying about people is kind of programmed into my system. It's a curse if you ask...