The parking lot was busy with cars coming and leaving the hospital. This month, all of the first year residents were placed on the day shift which turned out to work pretty well in Tyler's favour. I wanted to try and wiggle my way out of him wanting to pick me up everyday but decided against it. He wouldn't budge and I would end up just waisting my breath. Its kind of sweet that he feels as if he needs to keep me safe, I just don't want him to become...overbearing.
He walks close to me with his hand resting on my lower back until we reach the residents lounge. I'm quite surprised that everyone else was already at work. I guess that's the one thing about Tyler that will never change...punctuality, especially on a Monday morning.
"Well look who decided to show," Dimitri remarks which earns him the finger from Tyler.
Hazel is infront of the mirror, bundling her hair into a messy pony while Nic is at the far end of the room and seems to be in deep conversation with Javier. That's interesting. I go over to Hazel who has the widest grin plastered across her face.
"Someone's happy on a Monday morning," I say while hugging her.
"Just had a good weekend, that's all."
"I can tell."
"He's bringing you to work now?" Hazel asks while looking behind me at Tyler and his best friend. I nod. "Wow. Things are getting serious then, huh?"
"You could say that," If only she knew.
"Dude, you better hurry up. We're on the Chief's service today," I hear Dimitri say.
"You are?" Hazel asks. That's the first time that she'd talked to Dimitri without a snide comment or snarky come back.
"Yeah and if lover boy over here wishes to keep his job then I suggest we move our asses," Dimitri replies and pats Tyler on his shoulders while he's slipping into his coat.
"Call me that again and Dr Kade will be doing a facial reconstruction surgery within the next 10 minutes," Tyler jokes as he walks towards me. "I'll see you later," he assures me with a smile and briefly kisses me on the lips.
"Urgh, get a room," Dimitri pretends to gag.
"Fuck you," Tyler cusses while the two of them walk out of the room.
I shake my head at their brother like behavior and return my attention to the oddly cheerful lady in front of me who is applying a layer of gloss to her lips.
"Those two look awfully comfy," I remark as I take in the glee present on both of my friends faces as they talk.
"I think there's potential over there," Hazel adds, "oh before I forget, the two of us are on lab duty. Dr Matthews has a brain surgery that she needs us to read up on."
"We should go then," I suggest.
"And them?"
"We'll see them later," I say and link my arms in hers while dragging her out of the room.
"Nothing! Absolutely fudging nothing!" Hazel yells in annoyance while pushing the file in front of her an arms length away.
"Fudging?" I question her subtle choice of words and laugh. Hazel Roberts is anything but subtle.
"I'm hungry, okay?" She rubs her fingers over her temples to eliminate the headache that I presume in appearing.
"When are you not?" I joke.
We've been in here for more than four hours and we still haven't been able to find a technique in which we could get rid of a seemingly inoperable brain tumor using radiation in Dr Matthews upcoming surgery. It's starting to seem impossible right about now.

In due time (Completed)
Romance"You were worried about me, Specs?" He smirked. "No, Tyler. I hoped that someone cut up your corpse and fed it to paranas. Obviously I was, you idiot! I'm a doctor. Worrying about people is kind of programmed into my system. It's a curse if you ask...