Chapter 42- Happy

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The fall breeze stings my face as soon as I jump out of the car making my bones quiver. I jogged towards the entrance of the hospital as fast as I could to escape the fall weather. Winter was fast approaching and was already showing its traces.

The residents lounge was empty when I arrived. I changed into my scrubs and designated footwear and neatly packed my clothes into my cubicle. The door creaked open as I slipped my coat on.

"Hey," Nic sung in a jovial voice with Hazel being suspiciously quiet in the background. "You're early."

"Hey. Yeah, I wanted to chat with my mum for a while before my shift started," I explained to her.

Hazel still hadn't said a word while she took her seat on the couch at the far end of the room. Why was she being so weird?

Nic went on about how amazing Tyler's party was this past weekend and how she hadn't been to one in such a long time. I swear that I saw Hazel flinch just at the mention of the party.

Interrupting Nic, Javi walked into the room. "Hey guys," he greeted us, "sorry to interrupt but Nic, Dr Johnson wants us in the OR ASAP. I tried paging you but nothing went through."

"Shit! I dropped it earlier on. Something must've broke," she mumbled and rushed towards the door. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

I nodded in her direction and just like that it was just the two of us in the room and the silence was deafening. This seemed to be a good enough time to approach my obnoxiously quiet friend.

"C'mon Hay. What's up?" I decided to open with.

"Nothing," she replies with her eyes plastered to the phone.

I narrowed my eyes in on her trying to decipher the unease in her voice. And then, a light bulb went off.

"Is this about what happened on Saturday?" I knew the answer but asked anyway.

"Maybe," she admits.

"Seriously Hay! Were you embarrassed to be seen with Dimitri? What's there to be embarrassed about Hazel?"

"It's more guilt than embarrassment to be honest, Kate. I feel guilty for not letting you guys know about us and then to have you and Tyler see us like...that, I don't know. I just feel guilty," she explains.

I laughed under my breath. "Don't. It's your life. You are entitled to privacy you know."

"But you guys are my friends and I don't like keeping secrets from my friends. I feel like I've betrayed you guys. It's stupid I know but that's just how I am."

"I know, Hay but as your friend I'm telling you that it's fine. So can you stop being all weird with me and give me a hug?"

I smiled while extending my arms. She hesitantly got up from her seat as a smile formed on her face. Hazel being quiet and introverted was definately not doing any good for the aura in this place. The happy, jovial and loud Hazel is what a hospital needs.

"I still need to tell Nic," she said as she pushed strands of her strawberry blonde hair out of her face.

"Of course you do," I laughed. "Just one question though. How did it even happen?" I asked, my underlying curiosity getting the better of me.

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