Chapter 54- Silver lining

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After sitting on the pavement for what felt like eternity as the minutes turned into an hour or probably more, I realised the situation that I'd left Specs in. She's probably thinking I'm a dick for leaving her when she needed me the most.

"Ty?" Dimitri's familiar voice come from behind me.

Within seconds, he's taking a seat on my right while Javi, whom I didn't even know was here, took up the space on my left.

"You really shouldn't be out here."

"Save me the health talk, D. I've had enough of that inside."

"Everything okay?' Javi asked.

Should I tell them about Specs? No, bad idea when we don't even know what we're doing in this situation.

"Other than the fact that I almost died a few hours ago, not to mention my car being blown to pieces, everything else is just peachy," I snapped without even meaning to. "Fuck, sorry man. I got a lot in my mind," I apologized.

"It's cool man, we get it. Anyone in your place would probably be reacting a lot worse."

I nodded, finding that the easiest response.

"Chief Grey signed off on the discharge papers. You and Kate can go home, get some rest and y'all are on a week's leave indefinitely," D told me.

Home. Will she even come with me now after I acted like an ass?

"C'mon dude," Javi extends his hand to me. I reluctantly clutch it and rise from the pavement.

The entrance of the hospital looks more intimidating than anything else at this moment, knowing what awaits me inside. Hell hath no fury and all that.

"Actually, guys. I need a favour from y'all," I said, remembering that we're going to need some sort of transportation from the hospital, that is if Specs is even willing to come with me anywhere.



When Dr Michaels returned a while after Tyler so graciously stormed off, I had to pull myself together.

"Your vitals look good and steady. I'd say you're clear to go home," she informed me after the staple check up.

She'd prescribed all sorts of prenatal vitamins and supplements and handed them all to me in a brown paper bag.

"Uhm, may I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Doctor, patient confidentiality still applies here right?"

"Yes of course it does."

I let out a huge sigh of relief and I mentally calm myself down. "Good, because I'd really appreciate it if my mum found out about this from me when the time is right."

"I completely understand, Kate. Chief Grey won't be hearing anything from me."

"Thank you," I told her and forced a small smile.

"If you have any further questions during the pregnancy, do come and see me. Tests, scans, vitamins, anything okay?"

"Got it."

As Dr Michaels is gathering my file and it's contents, my mum enters the room. She and Dr Michaels exchanged friendly yet professional glances before Dr Michaels stepped out.

"Hey, baby," great choice of words mum! My stomach churns at the sound of that word that seemed so futile a few hours ago. "How're you feeling?"

Oh, I don't know mum. I feel like I'm having a baby, which I never planned for. I feel abandoned by my boyfriend who freaked out the moment he heard the words pregnant. Just peachy I suppose.

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