Chapter 44- Crimson liquid

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People began to run in all directions, their main goal to get off of this property. A second bang buzzed through the air, sending Tyler and I diving to the ground. A third shot sounded and Tyler looked around in a frenzy, not knowing where it was coming from or who it was aimed at. Bodies hurried past us in a panic to get to safety.

Within a few seconds, there was a burn in my left arm that quickly registered as pain. I grabbed my hand and felt the smooth, metallic liquid run over my fingers. My movements drew Tyler's attention to my arm and his face contorted into an expression of panic and anger.

"Fuck!" He yelled and reached for my face. "We need to get you out of here," he says firmly.

"I'm okay," I assure him and brush his hands off of me. "Go get your parents."

"Fuck!" He cursed again, this time under his breath. "Stay right here, okay?"

As I nodded, a fourth shot went off and I knew then that I was probably going to disobey Tyler. My attention was drawn to the shrill cry of a rough voice. I watched as Maria fell to the ground, her blue dress quickly turning crimson around her abdomen. Edward was at her side first with Tyler soon after. Tyler began applying pressure to the wound just as I found myself running in their direction.

"I thought I told you to stay where you were, Specs," Tyler reprimanded me.

I noticed his eyes turning glassy and knew that his heart was in a full blown panic at the sight of his mother lying in a growing pool of her own blood. A security guard appeared and yelled out for our attention.

"Mayor Blake, security has a white Range Rover fleeing from here," the man informed us.

Tyler's eyes began to fill with tears and his body shook profusely as he clenched this teeth. I could tell that he's was battling with the decision of staying here or going after the person responsible for this.

"Tyler!" I yell. His head snapped up at the sound of my voice. "Take my car! Go," I decide for him and dug my keys out of my clutch. He hesitated until I yelled at him again, "go Tyler, now! I got this here." He nodded after a final glance at his mother and sprinted towards the car in the front yard.

I gave my undivided attention to the woman in front of me. I weighed my opinions on how to get her the help she needed and fast. One, I could call my mother and have an ambulance here in a matter of minutes, way quicker than calling 911 or two, i could drive there myself. Without a gurney and the right equipment, Maria could bleed out in the car so the ambulance seemed like the safer option.

"Get my phone," I instructed Edward while I looked around for things that I could use to stop the bleeding.

He dug around in my clutch as I made my way towards one of the tables near the pool. I retrieved a jug of water, a knife and grabbed every paper towel I could find. I rushed back to Maria's side and continued with my instructions to Edward as I worked on fixing up my boyfriend's mother.

"Dial my mother and put it on speaker," I told him.

With the knife I cut open Maria's dress so I could get better access to her wound. I cleaned the area with the water and began stuffing in the paper towels to slow down the bleeding. This was definitely going to get infected real soon but it was fixable and better than having her bleed to death.

My mother's number was dialing and on the fourth ring she answered. "Hey, honey. How's everything go..."

"Mum. Mum, listen to me," the urgency was clear in my voice and I interrupted whatever she was about to say. "I need you to send an ambulance to the Blake's house right now!"

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