Chapter 26- Paranoid?

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"If I knew that all you were going to do was gloat, I would've never let you in," I said as Javi helped himself to a couple of cans of soda from my fridge. In my apartment.

I finally moved in.

"I'm not gloating, Kate," he started walking towards my room, "well I am but do you remember what I told you. A certain conclusion that I came to a few months ago. I practically called it and you called me crazy."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just say I told you so already."

"I did tell you so and now look, you and Blake are the ideal couple. Wouldn't you say?" He plonked himself onto my bed with the soda and remote in hand.

Ideal couple! I think I'm going to puke. Why do people make it sound so mushy and disgustingly cringy.

"No, I wouldn't say," I playfully rolled my eyes at him before stepping into my walk in closet and returning with my hair straightener.

"One more thing, why aren't you at work?" I asked knowing that the residents hours had changed. Some of us worked on weekends as well now.

"Because I'm friends with the Chief's daughter," he shot me a wink while he kicked off his shoes and slouched on my bed.

I deliberately ignored him and concentrated on inserting the cord of the straightener into the wall socket near my mirror on one side of the room.

"I got the night shift with a bunch of the senior residents which means that I should really be asleep right now," he elaborated.

"Who's stopping you?"

"Hannah Baker," he enthusiastically replied while searching my Netflix account.

"Seriously! Where's your self control?" I asked.

I knew that he had been itching to finish the season but hardly had anytime to catch up on it. It was obvious that he was having trouble finding it but I returned my attention to my task at hand and didn't bother offering my help.

The technologically challenged!

"That's my problem, I don't have any. I'm sure you can relate," he replied rather honestly.

"On a certain level but this! I can't believe that you'd choose this over sleep"

I could practically feel the daggers that he was staring into my back. Besides the really hot guys, I honestly didn't get the hype for a show about a bunch of mentally messed up teenagers and a pitiful dead girl with a punch- me- now face. Sure I watched it but that was only because I had exhausted all other resources.

"Found it!" His scream was exhilarating.

I let him indulge in whatever drama was happening while I finished up with my hair. He only had 2 episodes to finish and at the start of the last one, I joined him on the bed for good measure with a bag of chips in hand. We watched in silence for almost an hour, with only the sound of crunching and gulping surrounding us, and at the end of it all I was left with a furious Javi.

"Are you kidding me! Cristo! How can they end it like that?"

Italian. At least, part Italian. I never managed to figure out his actual ethnicity before, and I thought it might be rude to ask, but this just confirmed it.

"It's called a cliff hanger, buddy. You might want to look it up," I joked, knowing that it would tick him off, and patted his shoulder before getting off the bed.

"Well it sucks," he sulked as he switched the TV off.

"Yeah," I tried very hard to be empathetic and failed.

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