"Guys, I don't know if he's gonna like this," I announce skeptically as Nic, Hazel, Javi, Dimitri and I stand in my living room making last minute plans for Tyler's slash Halloween highschool get together party.
"Well if it's a big fail then at least we can just brush it off as a Halloween party. Besides, only the people in this room know that it's his birthday so don't worry about getting too much attention," Dimitri says.
"I still can't believe that he didn't even mention his birthday to you, Kate," Javi says in a tone of disbelief.
After everything that happened this week after I got his gift and the uneasiness that he's been under since our case got dropped, Tyler never even gave away a sliver of a hint that his birthday may be today.
I mentally remind myself to ask him about that today or sometime after the party that hopefully goes well, or as well as it can go.
"Okay, check list is checked," Hazel starts, "costumes? I mean,it is Halloween after all and it been ages since we've done this. I feel old."
"There's no way Tyler's going to put on a costume. Guys, the best way I see this thing going is I get Tyler to Dimitri's where it'll just be us, you guys got the cake and that's it. Oh, and the gifts obviously then when the party starts at least he won't have too much of attention coming his way," I explain.
"Well, we're going in costume," Hazel shrugs her shoulders and moves on.
I blank out as the rest of the party, that doesn't involve Tyler too much, is discussed. My gift is on the table in front of me, waiting to be wrapped. I decide to go with the silver wrapping paper that I picked up from Target after work yesterday.
Everyone in our little clique got Tyler a little something that they hoped he'd like. A nervous shiver ran down my spine as I began wrapping my gift.
What if he doesn't like my gift?
My hands instinctively reach for the necklace around my neck. Will my gift to him hold as much meaning to him as his does to me?
My phone buzzes, interrupting my negative thoughts and startling all of us. I glance at the screen and see Tyler's pearl white teeth lighting up my screen. I answer quickly while hoping he doesn't pick up on my nerves.
The shrieking sound of my alarm going off breaks my sleep littered with dreams of a certain brown eyed beauty. That was the one thing distracting me from what today was. Specs is going to bite my head off if she finds out that I didn't tell her that today is my birthday.
It's possible that someone in our group may have already mentioned it to her but since I'm still intact I guess it's safe to say that she still doesn't know.
I see my mum's name lighting up my phone as I'm getting some oatmeal into a bowl for breakfast. This is her thing every year. She's always the first to wish me followed by my dad. Just like I've done every year for the past five years or so, I consider not taking any calls but naturally the morals of a good son inside of me takes over and makes the decision for me.
"Hey ma," I say into the phone while I add almond milk and bananas to my oatmeal.
"Happy birthday, son," I hear two voices sing.
Do they have me on speaker?
"My baby is growing up," that's definitely my mum.
"Uhmm, thanks. Dad? Is that you?" I check for confirmation while shoving a spoon of my breakfast in my mouth.

In due time (Completed)
Romance"You were worried about me, Specs?" He smirked. "No, Tyler. I hoped that someone cut up your corpse and fed it to paranas. Obviously I was, you idiot! I'm a doctor. Worrying about people is kind of programmed into my system. It's a curse if you ask...