Chapter 33- Katherine

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What the actual hell! How long has he been in here? Did he eavesdrop on my conversation with Alex? God, I hope not.

"Hey," I turned around in the barstool with a smile to mask the panic underneath it. My eyes met the black T-shirt that clung to him like a second skin and emphasised every muscle in his torso.

I couldn't decipher the look in his eyes, maybe because they sparkled with hints of amusement? What would he be amused by? The expression on my face or the fact that I almost fell off the goddamn chair?

With a smile he bent down and smashed his lips to mine. The moment was short lived and I instantly missed his touch the moment he let me go. He's probably doing this on purpose.

"Why do you keep on running out on me?" He says in what I can only describe as a raspy sleep voice.

"I do not. You needed your sleep and I needed to make us something to eat," I defended.

He walks over to the pot that is now on the counter and opens the lid. "Smells good."


"I could get used to this," he smirks and walks over to me, putting his hands on either side of my hips.

"What? Me being your personal chef?"

"That and waking up to find you in the same place as me," he kisses my right shoulder.


I smile, not wanting to show the mixed emotions that are clear on my face from his words. I move away from him as subtly as I could, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. I walk over to the cupboard and grab us some plates and glasses.

"You hungry yet?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure."

He walks over to the fridge to grab the jug of orange juice at the same time that I grab a bottle of white wine from his stash. I might need some liquid inspiration if I plan on giving Tyler the rundown on my life tonight.

"Okay then," he laughs when he sees the bottle in my hand.

I set out our plates on the counter and pour us a sufficient amount of wine into each glass. Tyler took his seat next to me and began to tuck into his plate.

"Hey we're you on the phone with someone?" He asks after a moment of comfortable silence.

"What?" I don't know why it surprised me that he would ask that.

"When I woke up, I heard you talking to someone. Was it Alex?" he asks and shoves a fork full of pasta into his mouth.

"Oh. Yeah, I haven't seen him in so long so I thought I'd give him a call. I'm sorry if we woke you," I say a little to quickly.

"Don't worry. You didn't and besides, I could barely hear most of what you guys were saying."

Most of? Does that mean that he heard some of the things?

Yes he did, or else he wouldn't have that smirk on his face that he doesn't think I can make out. Maybe he just heard the last parts.

"He got a dog," I try and go of on a tangent.

"Seriously!" Tyler laughs. "You need to find him a companion. Get him on tinder or something."

I join him in his laughter. We use Alex's lack of love in his life as our conversations focal point for a few minutes but after a while a comfortable silence falls us before we finish up with dinner.

"Specs, are you okay?" Tyler asks while I stack the dishwasher to capacity and he places the left overs in the fridge. The only items left is the 2 wine glasses and the bottle of wine placed on the table.

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