Chapter 31- Bad kisser

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Feeling hungry in the middle of a dead silent night is the worst feeling ever. You feel stuck in limbo because on one hand you're enjoying your sleep but on the other hand your stomach won't shut the hell up.

My eyes fluttered open to the darkness. It took a while for them to adjust while I stretched the sleep out of me. The room felt empty and sure enough, when I turned to my right on the bed, Tyler was nowhere to be found. I don't even remember him coming to bed.

I checked my phone on my bedside drawer, the blinding white light stinging my eyes. 01:43am. I reluctantly pushed the covers off, slipped on my glasses and got out of bed. When I stepped out into the lounge, I expected Tyler to be on the couch watching TV or something but he wasn't even there.

My stomach croaked in the silence and I knew that I had to do something about it. Drinking a glass of water usually helps suppress hunger so after chugging down a glass, I raided the refrigerator and found a punnet of grapes.

I walked over to the stairs, with the punnet in hand, to hopefully find Tyler on the second floor. The mini gym was dead silent and empty so I went over to the study. This had got to be my favorite room in his apartment because not only did it have a balcony but it also had 2 wall-to-wall bookshelves stocked to capacity and an L- shaped couch in one corner of the room. I bet that's like a reading corner, how cute. The sliding door behind the desk in the middle of the room was slightly opened and a gentle breeze from outside entered the room.

I crept into the room and stood behind the glass door while I examined the view. The light on the balcony illuminated the area. Tyler stood shirtless and barefoot with a closed book in his hand as he leaned onto the edge of the wall, overlooking the city.

"What're you reading?" I asked, breaking the eery silence.

He turned around and smiled at me, hiding his obviously startled state. "What're you doing up?"

"My stomach was my alarm clock. I got hungry," I said while shaking the punnet in my hand. "Want some?" I asked, walking closer to him and holding out the punnet.

He grabbed a couple of the grapes and popped it in his mouth. In the balcony was a 3 seater couch and a glass table infront of it. I took my seat and crossed my legs on the couch. Tyler occupied the space next to me while stealing a couple more of the grapes and placing his book on the table.

"Shantaram," I read the title out loud as I picked up the book, "great book. So, you come up here to read when your insomnia kicks in?" I ask.

I honestly didn't know that Tyler was into books that much. Ifi did and if I knew about his miniature library, I would've came over a long time ago.

"Sometimes," he answers and a blush creeps onto his cheeks.

"It's almost 2am, Ty. How long have you been up here?"

"Since you fell asleep. 5, maybe 6 hours?"

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, understanding the cause of his sudden insomnia.

I had no doubt that those pictures were bringing back memories that he's tried so hard to forget over the past couple of years.

"Not really. I... I just thought that by now I'd be over it, you know? But for some reason, it still hurts. I know that that's being completely unfair to you but..."

"It's okay you know," I stopped him, "Tyler, losing someone like that is not an easy thing to get over and I don't expect you to be over it just because I came into your life."

"Well, right now I'm starting to reevaluate my life decisions, Specs," he told me.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

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