{9}Lincoln x Upset!Female!Reader

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My friends were wondering if you were single and I told them no. They were wondering who you were dating and I told them me.~ Y/N L/N


Lincoln and I are best friends. Well, other then clyde, I'm his female best friend. I was gonna ask Lincoln to go out with me, you no, as friends.


I'm actually gonna ask him out without him not knowing. You see, I have a crush on him. When my twin brother, clyde, introduce me to him. It was like, love at first sight..... Kind of.

It was now lunch time. I had my food in my left hand and my drink on the right. I was scanning the lunch room looking for Clyde and Lincoln. I spot them and stroll to them. "Hey guys." I greeted. "Hey (Y/N)." Lincoln and Clyde greeted back. "So, what are we up to?" I asked as I took a piece of my turkey sandwich. "Oh nothing, we were just talking about Ace Savvy and his sidekick." Clyde talked first. "We were planning on wearing our costumes to help Leni get her job back." Lincoln smiled. I smiled back. "Cool." I took a sip of my Orange juice and another bite of my turkey sandwich.

Ok, hold up. I know I said I was gonna ask Lincoln out, but the part is soon coming ok! Hold your technologies..... Get it? I changed it from his your horses to hold your technologies..... nevermind.

: 3 weeks later :

It was Monday, which means it's a school day, which means I'm gonna try and ask Lincoln out.


Clyde and I walked to school together. We saw Lincoln and we wave to him. He waved back as he walk to us. "Hey guys!" "Hey! Lincoln, are you ready for art class? " Clyde ask. "Oh I'm so ready." Lincoln exclaim excitedly. I smiled at how happy both of them were.

+time skip+

It's break time. I didn't see clyde but, I saw Lincoln. Perfect opportunity to ask him out. I walk up to him. "Hey." I said. "Hey, (Y/N), what's up? " He asked smiling. "The ceiling." We both looked up and laugh. "Good one (Y/N). " He chuckle. "So, um Lincoln...... want to hang out this Friday?" Finally, I finally asked. "Sorry (Y/N), I got plans with Clyde. " He stated rubbing his left arm. "How about Saturday?" I ask once again. My confident were going down. " I um.... Have plans with R-Ronnie Anne. " Oh yeah, I forgot. He has the biggest crush on Ronnie Anne. I was upset. It took me 3 weeks to build up this confident and that's the answer I get. Well, it was kinda my fault for taking 3 weeks to ask him.

"Sorry (Y/N)." Lincoln apologized. "No, it's ok. I should be heading to class." I said as I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I know, it's cliche how girls always goes to the bathroom to cry. Well, most gals in the school nearly come in the bathroom. I cried until I heard the bell ring for class.  I walk to my class and hope the rest of the day would be a great day.

.4 Days Later.

It is now a Saturday morning. The day Lincoln will be going out the R-Ronnie Anne. I was sitting in my room, writing a poem in my book of poems. It's kinda the only way that makes me feel better.

"(Y/N)! Breakfast ready!" My (White) dad shouted from downstairs. I put my book down and raced downstairs to the kitchen for my breakfast. "Hey honey, ya hungry?" My dad asked. "Yes dad. I'm very hungry." I told him. He laughed and served me my breakfast. "Here you go honey. Clyde! Come for your breakfast!" My dad called out for Clyde, but there were know response. "I'll call him dad." I walked upstairs to Clyde's room and open the door. "Clyde, your breakfast is ready!" I shouted. He looked at me tiredly. "Oh, sorry (Y/N). I just woke up and I was to tired to get up. I'm coming soon." Clyde said as he got out of bed. I just nod my head and left.

When I went downstairs, I saw Lincoln and I froze in my spot. 'isn't he suppose to be out with Ronnie Anne?' I asked myself.

Lincoln P.O.V

I felt bad leaving (Y/N) hanging like that, especially since she's my best friend. Well, other then Clyde, my female best friend. So, I called Ronnie Anne and cancel our plans and moved it to next week Saturday. She was fine with that, she had other plans anyways. I changed into my usual Orange shirt, blue jeans and tennis. I walked out of my room with my hands on my pocket.

"Where are you going bro?" I heard my older sister, luna, asked. "Oh, I'm just going over to (Y/N) and Clyde's house. Why?" I asked curious. "Nothing bro. Are you going for (Y/N) or for Clyde?" She asked smirking. I blushed.

Okay, let's be serious here. I had a crush on (Y/N) since Clyde introduce me to her. I guess you can say, it was love first sight..... Kind of.

"Why does it even matter?" I asked still blushing. "Oh nothing, bro. Just carry on with your day. " she then play a random tune. I reached at the front door until I was interrupted again. "Hey Lincoln, where are you going?" My sister, Luan, asked. " I guess, I'm going to the mall? To get..... Clothes?" I questioned myself. Will (Y/N) like the mall? "Ohh, so that's wear your going. Hahaha get it?" Luan laughed at her own joke. I just shakes my head and open the door then walk out.

-time skip-

I was finally at the McBride residence. I knocked on the door. As soon as I knock the door open. "Hey Lincoln! Come in." Clyde and (Y/N) (white) dad said. As instructed, I came in. "So, who are you here for?" Their dad ask. I blushed. He knew I was coming for someone. "I'm actually here for (Y/N). Is it okay if I carry her out?" I asked, kinda awkward. I'm not really awkward a round their dads, but when it comes to (Y/N) , I'm awkward. "Just wait down here lover boy, she'll be their soon." He laughed. I blushed. I then heard a yell from upstairs then footsteps coming down the stairs. I saw (Y/N) as she came to view. She stopped in her spot and looked at me. I just waved.

Back to normal P.O.V aka your P.O.V

I froze in my spot. 'what the heck? What is he doing here?' I asked myself. I slowly walk downstairs. "Clyde said he's soon coming dad." I told him. He smiled. "Ok (Y/N), I need you change into something casual. " my dad said. I nodded and went back upstairs into my room to change.

Time Skip

I came out of my room wearing a short sleeved shirt, a long jean pants and tennis. "I'm ready. Why do I have to change for?" I asked, looking at Lincoln. My dad smirked and push Lincoln as I outside the house. "Have fun!" He screamed from inside. I looked at lincoln. "So...." "I switched my plans with Ronnie Anne to next week saturday so I can hang out with you." Lincoln smile as we start to walk. "Thank you so much Lincoln." I thanked him. " and also.... I-I like you (Y/N). I like you a lot. " He stated sweetly. "I-I like you too, Lincoln." I return his feelings. We smile as we continued our walk to a special place.


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