{23} Talents (Luna x Female! Reader)

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You were off to pick up your girlfriend. You wore a [any color] tank top, the same skirt luna's wear, but [any color] and some [any color] boots. You parked your vehicle in front of her house. You immediately stop the engine, open the car door and got out of it. You went to the door and knock on it. The door open to see Lincoln. You waved. "Hey lincoln, you see luna?" You question. He nod his head. "She's up in her room."  He answered. You thanked him and went up to her room. You open the door to see Luna's in there playing with her gataur. "Hey Luna." You greeted. She looked up at you. "Hey babe, what's up?" "Nothing much, just waiting for you to finish what ever you were doing." You said smiling. She smiled at you. "Before we go, you need to here this new tune I made for the crowd." Luna played her little tune and it sound actually good. "Wow! That sounds awesome. You should actually play that." You stated. She grin at you. "I made up another one." Luna said. She started to play the time and you were jamming to it. "That was so good."

For the past couple hours, you guys were choosing which tune would be best to be play at the concert. You guys lost track of time and forget all about the concert.

"What time is it?" Luna asked. You checked the time and see that it was past the concert time. "The concert is already over." You stated. Luna frowned. "Don't be sad. At least you had your own concert with your biggest fan." You said. She smiled. "I guess your right babe." "And plus you show your talent to me, so that was awesome." You both giggled. "Anyways, I have to go now. See ya later babe." You waved as you went out of her room. "Bye" Luna called out.

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