{47} Brawl in the family (Loud house X Female!Reader) •Lincoln Loud•

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Remember, you are an artist. Older then Lynn, younger then Luan. Have fun.


Brister fight protocol•

I was searching all over my room for the art I painted for my art class. "Where is that flipping art paper?" I asked myself. I looked under my bed and under my pillow. "If I can't find it there's only one person who can have it." I thought. I walked out of my room and into Lincoln's room. "Lincoln! Where is my art!?" I screamed, barging into his room. He covered his ears dew to my loud screaming. "One, quit screaming and two, I don't have it. Why are you always blaming me?" He asked getting really angry. "Because you're the only one that always ask for my art! Now, where is it!?" I was ready to launch at him until I feel hands on my shoulders. "Wow! We never had a brother-sister fight. Everyone to your stations!!" Lynn said. Everyone nod their had and ran to their stations. Luan still had a grip on my shoulders. "Going to the bathroom. She's gonna cool off there." Luan said into the microphone that was on her shirt collar. "Got it. He's in the kitchen." One of my sister's respond, which sounded like lucy. "Come on, Luan. All I have to do is tear Lincoln in half, then everything is gonna be alright." I explained jokingly. I went and open the door. Luan was tryna dragged me back in the bathroom, but I wouldn't allow it. "She strong! She coming! Do something with lincoln! NOW!" Luan screamed into the microphone. I removed her hand from my shirt she was pulling. "Back up! Back up!" Luan called in the microphone. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. As soon as I was about to run to another room, I felt a lot of people pounce on me. "Sorry dude. We can't let you go." Luna told me. I growl. "Come on luna. We're bros. Sister goals. We can beat Lincoln together." I was trying to bribe her into letting me go, but she didn't let me. They all carry me to my room to relax. "Fine! Imma chill. Happy?"


"Lincoln! Did you ate my (favorite food)!?" I stomp up in Lincoln's room angrily. "I did not eat it Y/N! Why are you always blaming me?!" He asked me angrily. I looked at him with a, 'Are you serious?' face. "It's all over your face!" I said. He look down at his mouth and quickly wipe the food stain. "No it's not." "Uhhhh! Lincoln! Just one day!" I said and walk out of his room.

Lincoln P.O.V

'pfft, whatever. I'm not scared of her.' I told myself. I went back to reading my comic book, but then my bedroom door open. "Bro! Why would you do that!?" Luna asked me. I sigh in annoyance. "Because I was hungry." "So you did admit it. Why couldn't you just tell the truth?" Lori asked me. I shrugged and continued reading my comic, but I couldn't 'cause it was yucked from my hands. "Hey!" "Say sorry dude or you guys never gonna make up." Luna told me. "Why can't she tell me sorry?" I asked them. They're always sticking up for Y/N. Why can't they stick up for me for once? "Doesn't matter." Lori said. "Yeah, now go say your dino-saury. Hahaha get it? But seriously. Go." Luan said. I sigh. "Fine." I got out of my bed and went downstairs. "Y/N, I'm sor- what are you doing with my comic book?!" I asked her. She was tearing them to pieces. Oh it's on......

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