{26} Opposite (Lucy x Female! Reader)

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You and Lucy were watching that vampire movie Lucy's always watch at your house. You found it not 'pretty' enough, so you change the channel to a drama channel. "Why did you switch it? I was gonna see what happen." Lucy complained . "That was so boring. Let's watch little drama queens." You said as you stared at the T.V (I just made that up). "Sigh." Lucy said. She didn't had know choice, but to stared at the T.V.


Lucy was reading her poem to you and you listen. You started to get annoyed. "Yeah yeah black, soul, ghost, don't you have anything else to write about then these dark thingies. Like 'pink pink is so great. It helps me to concentrate' do something like that." Y/N said doing some action with her words. "Sigh" Lucy said.


Lucy was talking to her Edwin vampire mannequin while you were playing with your dolly. You came up to Lucy with your dolly in hand. "Look at my new Barbie doll. Isn't it cute?" You asked Lucy she just sigh. This isn't how she would want to spend her day with her friend.

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