{40} Scenerio ~7 •When you met their Ex•

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You guys were at a smoothie bar drinking smoothies. Lori was gossiping about this and that while you were listening. "Lori?" You heard a male voice. You both turn around to see Lori's ex. He stared at Lori and his eyes started to water. He then ran away crying. "So, that was your ex? bobby?" You asked. She nod her head. "Yes. Anyways, we should get going." You nod your head.


You were at leni's house doing a make over for her. You were about to put the lipstick on her lips when her phone started to ring. "Oh gosh! who is this now?" You growl under your breath. You picked up leni's phone and answered it. "Hel-" "Leni? Is that you? Oh I'm so glad you answer. Listen, I want to get back with-" "hello, as I was about to say, I'm not leni. I'm her best friend. Now would you mind buzzing off? Thanks." You hung up the phone and continued with leni's lips.


You guys were at the park holding hands like couples do. "I love you." Luna kissed your cheeked. "I love you too." You kissed her lips. You both stopped when you heard a unfamiliar scream. "Luna!! Is that you?" You heard from a distance. The person finally came into view. "Luna! I miss you so much! Please come back to me." Luna ex begged on their knees. Luna stranded up. "No bro. You broke my heart and I can't take know more chances. Sorry bruh." She hold my hand tightly and walk out of the park, leaving her ex crying on the ground sadly.


"Hey Y/N! Why do people model?" Luna asked you. You two is like a jokester/ prankster best couple. No one can break that. "I don't know luan. Why?" You sarcastically asked, already knowing the answer. "Because they were trying to 'walking up the mood'. Haha haha get it?" Luna laughed at her own joked. You laughed softly to yourself. "Yeah, waking up the mood, I totally get that." You smiled. Suddenly, you both heard a knock on Luna and luan's bedroom door. She open it to see her ex. "Luan! You actually open the the door! I'm so happy! Please come back to me! I miss your jokes, your laugh, your smile, your everything! Please!" Luna ex begged. She got annoyed and snapped her fingers. Suddenly Lola and lana came dressed as cops. "Come on buddy, move it." Lola said. "Yeah, let's go." Lana said. Luna then shut the door. "I guess you can say I can finally get a-rest. Haha haha get it?" Luna joked. You both laughed.


Lynn went in the kitchen to make both you and her a sandwich. You were sitting in her room waiting patiently for her. Suddenly, her phone started to ring. You didn't want to invade her privacy, but you also wanted to know who it was so you answered it. "Hello?" You asked the person on the other line. "Lynn? Wait, that voice doesn't sound like lynn. *gasp* are you her new boy/girlfriend?" He asked surprise. You can tell by his voice that he was about to cry. "Yes I am." You replied. You then heard the open and close. You look to see lynn. She handed you your sandwich. She saw you was on her phone and she already knew who it was. She grabbed the phone from you. "I told not to call me anymore!" She then hang up the phone.


You and lincoln was at school eating lunch at the cafeteria with Clyde and his three other friends. "Hey lincoln? Can I have piece of that?" You asked staring at his homemade egg, salami, salad, and cheese sandwich. "Why couldn't you make your own when you had the chance?" Lincoln asked you. "Because I thought you were gonna make it." You explained. He sigh in annoyance. "Here." He tested piece of his sandwich and give it to you. "You guys are brother and sister goals. *gasp* brister!" Clyde commented. Liam agreed. "Thanks, but know thanks. What if Ronnie Anne head about this?" Lincoln whispered the last part to his friends. "What about me?" All of you guys heard a voice. You all turn around to see Ronnie Anne. "Ronnie Anne! It's so nice to see you again!" You said. You hugged her as she did the same. "If you guys didn't break up, then we would be hang out more. But then we lost connection." You explained.


I'm sorry, I didn't feel like doing anymore. Have fun with this though.

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