LYRICAL WEEK: Mr. Glassman •Lincoln X Female!Reader•

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You should already know LYRICAL WEEK is and should know I may not type the song write or replace curse words with different words.
Song by: Scotty Sire
"*" * "*" * "*" * "*"
Lincoln P.O.V

Let's paint a picture, you're in class
The teacher writes the notes to fast
And there's a boy who sits in back
Who's to afraid to raise his hand

And ask if she can slow it down
So nervously he looks around
Can't bear to stand out in the crowd
And he's only gotten half the notes down

This is so hard. Being the outcast And awkward-shy student, I can't do anything. I couldn't really write as fast as the other students and the teacher can. I wanted to asked if The teacher can slow down, but I was to afraid. I look around and saw no one wasn't in the same pace as me. I look down at my social studies book and realize I only gotten half of the notes she gave us from The board.

The school bell rings and he feel deflated
Looks at his hand he should've raised it
His biggest fear, he should've faced it
And now he's lost inside the pages

The bell finally ring for us to get out of class. I was very happy. I packed my bags and went down the halls for break. I look down at my hand. 'why didn't I raised it? ' I thought. It's not like it matters anyway.

"Hey lincoln!" I heard someone called from a distance. I turn to that direction to see Y/N, my best friend. She came running close to me. "What ya get for break?" She asked me. I sigh. "Just got a tuna sandwich with a juice box. What about you?" I asked. We started to walk to the cafeteria. "I have left over spaghetti. I also got a juice box." She answered. I blushed a little. I had a crush on Y/N, but I didn't want to confess because I felt like it would ruin our friend ship, so I tryna like someone else, hoping it would break me from liking Y/N. This is gonna be hard.

He might be there, but you never notice
Got a lot to say, but he's soft spoken
He's a book that just isn't open
A tiny ribel and a stormy ocean

Glassman, Mr. Glassman

Mr. Glassman!
He's really soft spoken
You never notice glass unless it's broken
Mr. Glassman!
He's really soft spoken
You never notice glass unless it's broken
(Mr. Glassman)

A few years later, and now it's prom season
Mr. Glass isn't going unless he has a reason
There's a cutie in is class that he likes a lot,
But he's afraid to ask her because he never talk

Ok. I'm now seventeen and it's time for prom. I won't go because there's no reason for me to go. If I tell Ronnie Anne, my new crush, how I feel, she'll probably reject me and also I'm just to quiet to even stand next to her.

Plus, if she says yes, what's he gonna do?
Doesn't have a car dude
He screwed
He doesn't feel cool
To sub-tude
And he scared to meet her parents too
Just another chance he blew 'cause its

But if she did say yes? I won't have anything to wear, nothing to drive her in and I'm definitely scared To meet her parents. She's way out of my league. Wow! Another chance I blew.

To many things going on in his head
And he always in his head
Thinking to far ahead
Could've gone to prom, but instead he lays in bed
Thinking about all the things he left 'til he's red

(Not the song, story. To tired to change it back to normal print)
As the prom night was going on, I was laying on my bed, thinking. I could've gone to that prom, but no. I decided to stay home. I could've asked Ronnie Anne, but I decided to chicken out. Best of all, I could've asked Y/N out. She probably think I'm some loser for not coming to the prom. Wow me.

Silly, Mr. Glass the world has a way,
but now I'm sure you heard many people say
You miss ever opportunity you don't take
Don't be shy, kid. Make your own fate


Now, Mr. Glass is older and he's doing just fine
Yeah, he made it through high school even though he was shy
He's gotta group of good friends and his future is bright
And he still get sad, but he's happy with his life

Now, I'm twenty-two years old. I've been a long way to get here. With my new friends, family and other things? This the best thing ever. I could've see that I would have a good life.

Remember when he didn't ask that cutie to prom?
Now he gotta couple of kids and they're calling her mom
And remember when couldn't raise his hand in class
Now he's up on stage in front of fans tapping fast

Oh! And guess what. Remember when I was to afraid to ask Y/N out? Well, we are now married with three kids. Two boy and one girl. "Mom!" All three of them shouted. Y/N Look down at them and smiled. She hugged all three of them. "Good morning kidos." She greeted. They kissed all over her face then went to me. I hugged them, as well as greeted them. "Gotta go guys. Got a concert today." I told them. They pouted. "Don't worry guys. I made the song just for you." They smiled and ran back to where they came from. My beautiful wife smiled and kissed me. "Do awesome babe." She encouraged me. I blushed a little before kissing her nose. "Thanks baby."

But he still get scared and he still get nervous
'cause you gotta fear the waves of you wanna go surfing
Nothing is persurting(?) like this cursive, have a purpose was it worth it? That you learn it? Probably not. I don't know, I decress(?)

Even though I made it this far, I'm still afraid of what life would give me. I'm nervous about my future life plans. What will destiny give to me?

But the point is I try to stress
This world is made of glass even when we're at our best
We could break, we could splinter, diaperal, loose your temper, even if you think you're bullet proof. I am glass and so are you


Hard to get by!
When you're feeling so shy
You gotta keep 'em moving just a step at a time.

(Mr. Glassman)

Good bye. Hope you had fun reading.

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