{49} In date debate (Sam X Luna X Fem!Reader)~1

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Luna P.O.V

"Is that all we have to talk about today?" Lori asked. We had another siblings meeting on what dad should cook tonight. I sigh. Everyone was quiet. "Ok, sibling meeting is- luna? Are you ok?" Lori asked me concerned. I sigh. "I don't know who to ask out, Sam or Y/N." "Why don't you ask Y/N?" Lori ask me. "I mean, she's funny and she has a taste in music." Lori explained. "Nuh uh! I think she should go for sam. She's funny and she love music as well." Lola said. I sigh again. "All in favor of sam?" Lori asked. Leni, lola, lucy, lily and lisa raised their hand. "All in favor of Y/N?" Lola asked. Lori, Lincoln, luan, lynn and lana raised their hand. "You only choose Y/N 'cause she's family with clyde." Lola scowl. "So what?" Lincoln said, while his arms crossed over his chest. "We'll make Y/N fall in love with you." Lori said. "No! We'll make sam fall in love with her!" Lola said. "Well, challenge accepted." Lincoln said smirking. "Well, I guess you can try. Y/N and Sam are coming for a music session." I sigh again. Then I realize, "Y/N AND SAM ARE COMING FOR A MUSIC SESSION!? I gotta go!" I shouted. I quickly ran out of Lori and Leni's room and ran downstairs. "Ha! She said Y/N name first!" I heard Lori said. I waited by the door for two minutes. The door bell then ring. I quickly open it to reveal Y/N and sam. "Hey guys! Ready for our jam session?" I asked them smiling. They nod as well, smiling. "Let's go to my room then." I motion them to follow me. They followed me into my room. "Rad. Keep forgetting how awesome you and luan's room is." Y/N said looking around. I blushed. "Hey, how about after our session you guys stay for a while?" I asked them nervously. They both nod. "Sure." Sam said. "Sweet!" We quickly did our jam session. We went into the kitchen for a drink. "Oh! Y/N, sam. You guys are here. Luna made these for You guys. She wanted me to protect it from my siblings." Lori said. I blushed in embarrassment. 'Really lori, sam least favorite food? I thought. "Cool. Can't wait to try one." Y/N took one of lori's, as I assumed, famous snack and ate it. "Awesome." Y/N complimented. I laughed nervously. "Ok dudes, let's go." I grabbed a hold of sam and Y/N's hand and ran the the front room. "Let's watch some T.V bruh." I said. I turn on the T.V and it came on to a random channel. "Good, you're here." I heard Lucy voice. We all jumped, scared. "This poem is from Luna and it's called sam. Sam, the most prettiest girl in town. You look very pretty up and down. From left to right, you are always in my sight. Sam." Lucy read. I blushed in embarrassment again. "Wow! I didn't know Luna was into poems." Sam joked. Both her and Y/N laughed. Lucy then walked out of the room. I laughed nervously. "Well, there's a lot of things you don't know about me." I laugh nervously. We continued watching the show that was on the T.V.

Lola P.O.V

"Did it work?" I asked lucy. She smirked. "Work like a charm." "Good." I smiled devilishly.

Lori P.O.V

"It worked like a charm. Y/N loved everything I made. She even ate it." I exclaimed happily. They smiled. "Then I guess we have to work some more." Lincoln said. We all nod in determination.

Luna P.O.V

"Hey guys, how about we do something else?" I asked them. They went to thinking mode. "How about jokes? This is Luna's famous ones." Luan came out of know where saying. "What did the girl said to her girlfriend that night? Les-bi-an together. (Let's be on together) hahahaha get it?" Luan joked. Y/N laughed at it. They're doing great so far. "I got another one. What is a girl who's in love with both genders favorite number? Bi. Hahahaha get it?" Y/N laughed once again. I could feel that Sam is getting very awkward. "Hey luan, why don't you get out of here. Yeah?" I asked as I pushed her up the stairs.

Lola P.O.V

"We don't have nothing in mind! What do we do?" Leni freaked out. "Calm down women. Let's brainstorm." I said. We all think until I had the perfect idea. "Why don't we make Luna fall in love with sam?" Leni suggested before I could say anything. I growl. "Wasn't that already what we're trying to do?" Lisa asked. "I've got the perfect idea. Why don't we make Luna hate Y/N? or something like that." I suggested. Everyone nod at my plan.

Luna P.O.V

"Ok guys, are you ready to- what happen to my guitar?" I asked Y/N since sam was currently in the bathroom. "I don't know. I met it like this. Maybe you can carry it to the shop and fix i-" Y/N suggested, but was cut of by a familiar scream. "Ahhhh! Snake!" It was Sam scream. I quickly ran to the bathroom to see Sam hiding behind the tub curtain. "Lana!" I shouted. Maybe having them help me was a bad idea. "Sorry luna." Lana said smirking. She grabbed her snake and walk out of the bathroom. "Sorry about that sam." I apologize. She smiled. "It's ok. Let's go back to your room." She said. I smiled. I helped her out of the tub and went into mine and luan's room. "Are you ok sam? I heard you scream." Y/N asked concerned. Sam nod her head. "I'm alright. Let's play another song." Sam suggested. I sigh. "I can't because Y/N broke my guitar dude." I said. Sam looked at Y/N I'm disbelief. "Really?" "I did not broke it and Luna you can always use my guitar." Y/N handed me her guitar and I gladly accepted it. "Thanks dude." I said, but leni came inside my shared room. "Oh Luna you're here! So is sam! Great! Make over time!" She excitedly said. She grabbed mine and Sam hand and dragged us to her and lori's room.

Lucy P.O.V

I was told after leni take Luna and sam, I was supposed to go in her room and read Y/N a poem. I knocked on the door. "Y/N." I said. She got scared a jumped. Really? "This is a poem from luna. She wanted me to read it to you. Y/N. The girl who thinks she knows it all. Who think she's the princess of the ball. She cries everytime, which is annoying. She-" I was cut of by Y/N. "Thanks for the poem lucy, but I gotta go." She said. I smirked as she walked out of the room. I walked inside lola's and lana room. "I think she's going home." I told the group. Everyone smiled.

Luna P.O.V

As leni was doing my hair in her and lori's room, I saw Y/N stomping down the hallway and down the stairs. I quickly ran out of leni and lori's room to the front door where Y/N was. "Where you're going dude?" I asked her. She scowl. "Are you serious? Maybe when you're trying to write a poem, put some effort into it." She said. She then went out of my house and slam the door. Couple minutes sam came downstairs. "What's wrong with your house and frogs?" She asked. She then went outside and slam the door. "FRONT DOOR MEETING NOW!" I called from downstairs. Everyone came. "What's up luna?" Luan asked cheekily. "Don't 'what's up' me. You guys ruin everything! You guys made them run away! What was the plan anyways?!" I was super angry. "We were just trying to-" Lori started, but I cut her off. "Trying to make them hate me? That wasn't even the plan!" I said. "Well maybe if you just pick one of them none of this wasn't gonna happen." Lincoln said. They all nod. "Whatever dude." I said. I walked up the stairs with my arms crossed. 'this was a bad idea.' I thought to myself.

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