Just A Chill Day {The Loud House}

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Guys, this is a story with no reader in it (you'll be mentioned in it though(both genders(with one sibling), don't worry. I do have other plans for the story, so stay tune.



It was another day at the loud family. Electricity was off and on and everyone was sweating cats and dogs. "Dude, can these people just take a break and leave the lights on? It's so hot!" Luna fan herself with her hands, trying to get As much air as she can. "Lisa! Can you do anything about it?" Lola impatiently ask. Lisa shakes her head. "Negative." Everyone groan in frustration.

"Don't worry, guys. While we wait for the electricity to turn on,why don't we just talk?" Leni suggest. "Yeah, maybe we'll just stop thinking about how hot it is and just focus what we're talking about." Lori explain. Everyone gladly agree. "While you guys talk, I'll be changing." Leni announce as she went to her share room with lori.

"Isn't it suppose to be a chill day? Why is it so hot?" Lana rhetorically ask. "Well, duh! It's because electricity is off! Now I can't even put on my make-up without it melting off my face!" Lola tell lana. She then look at herself in her mirror; which she had in her pocket and scream. "Ahh!! I'm hideous!"

"So, other then electricity turning off and on, how is everyone's day?" Lincoln ask, clearly ignoring lola. "Well, I did had three subs. It was awesome." Lynn exclaim as she repeatedly move a book up and down towards her face to keep herself cool. "Well, I was gonna make an awesome fan, but electricity blows everything." Lisa explain. "Wow, that's awful. Everything was gonna be so much cooler with that fan. No pun intended. I'm too sweaty to make jokes." Luan sadly says. She lean her head against luna's shoulder, so she can feel some of the cool air Luna would form with her hands.

"Well, that's great... I guess. Remember that time when Lana wanted us to work for her? She forced us with her boogers." Lori laugh, and soon, everybody else join. "Yeah, it was kinda gross, but still funny. At the end, she had to work for all of us." Lola giggle. "Yeah, maybe she should force those guys to turn back on the electricity." Luan say. Everyone laugh at her statement. "Also, remember that other time when Luna literally couldn't stop talking about how (YourYoutubeName) tweeted about her song? That was awesome!" Lynn remind. Everyone giggle. "At least you guys wasn't in our room, she was singing about it!" Luan exclaim, which cost everyone to laugh. "Hey, guys remember when Luna first date with sam!?" Lori brings up. Luna blush in embarrassment. "But also when she went on a date with Y/N?" Lucy brings up with a smile. " Luna face was now the color of a tomato. "Guys! Stop it." Luna demand. A grin slip onto lori's face. "Whatever." She playfully rolls her eyes.

Leni finally come down the stairs with a new set of clothes and a new hair do. "Hey, guys. How do I look?" She ask her siblings as she twirl. "Wow, leni. You look hot. Hahaha, now that's a pun intended." Luan joke. "How did you get your hair looking like you just straight iron it?" Lori desperately ask. Leni smile. "The electricity was on long time." She states. "And didn't tell us?!" Lincoln exclaim. She shrug. "I thought you guys knew."

Everyone look at each other with a smile before jumping excitedly, realizing electricity was finally on. As soon as they stop celebrating, electricity shut back off.

"So...... How was everybody's day?" Lincoln ask, clearly annoyed that electricity has turn off for the fifth time that day. Everyone groan.

I hope you enjoy this random piece. What happen in this story have happen to me like one week ago. I'll try update soon.


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