{76} A change of heart (Luan x Male!Reader)

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You guessed it. A male!!! The same episode as to when Clyde wanting to act normal around lori, so he asked lincoln to help and Lincoln asked Len I to help as well? Yeah that, but it's gonna be Luna helping.
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"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late." You said. "I brought some snacks for our movie afternoon." You smiled as you hold up (Favorite snack/s). "This is gonna be awesome! I brought some dvds from my house." Clyde explained. We all went to sit down on the couch as Clyde went to put on the movie. Luan then came and stand in front of the t.v.

"Hey, lincoln. Have you seen my whoppy cushion?" Luan asked. "L-L-Luan? Got to go! Got to go! System shutting down." You said before fainting. Blood then started to come out your nose causing it to go on luan's shoes. "Oh bloody heck." Luan joked before walking off. "Wow. He's more worst then I am when it comes to lori. Wait lori?" Clyde said before fainting himself. Lincoln sigh.

=Day later"

"Was I that bad?" You asked lincoln. He nod his head. You sigh. "I wish I can just act normal around her." You told your self. Lincoln overheard you and smiled. "Then you call the right man, Well men. I'm gonna call Clyde right now.


"First thing first, you'll have to try your best to ignore her." Lincoln said. "How can I do that when she's so pretty to stare at?" You asked them dreamily, thinking of luan. "Try using something cold. Like an ice pack." Clyde suggested. You nod. You guys then went in the kitchen as Lincoln went to look in the fridge. "Well, we don't have no ice pack, but we have a frozen fish. You can use that." Lincoln noted you. You nod. You guys then heard footsteps. "That's probably luan. Get ready Y/N." Clyde inform me. You nod and took the fish from Lincoln's hand and put it under your shirt. You then turn around, not facing the way Luan would be coming in.

"What are you guys doing?" You all turn around to see Luna looking at every one of you. You sigh in relief. "Were trying to help Y/N get over her feelings for luan." Lincoln answered. "I can help. I was gonna practice my guitar skills, but I guess that can wait." Luna then walked up to you. "So... What do we do?" Luna asked. "Well we'll go on to faze two: try to stop bleeding from your nose." Lincoln said. "I'll try." You answered. "Let me get my Luan costume." Lincoln said before walking up the stairs to his room.


"Ok luna! You can come out now!" Lincoln shouted. Luna came out of the house dressing as luan. "What's up dudes! I mean. What do call a laughing tomato? I don't know either, but hahaha get it?" Luna acted as luan. You blushed a little, thinking how Luan would make jokes all the time. "Ok now you just talk and try not to let blood come out of your nose." Clyde explained. You nod. Luna came closer to you and you could've feel blood coming out of your nose. 'Wow! Luna's really good as luan.' You thought. You look around desperately for tissue to stick up your nose. "Here." Lincoln said as he handed you piece of tissue. "You need to calm down with the thoughts. Weird seeing my best friend thinking that way about my older sister." Lincoln explained. You nod. "Faze three: try not to faint while talking to her." Clyde said. Lincoln, clyde, luna and you were now in the garage. "So, say something Y/N." Lincoln encouraged me. "Hey?" You asked, then stated. They sigh. "You have a lot to learn. "Luna, Why don't you take of the wig?" Luna did as Lincoln said and you was much more calmer.

Luan P.O.V

I went down downstairs to get me something to drink. 'Boy am I thirsty.' I thought to myself. Suddenly I heard laughter. I went to follow the noise which lead me to the garage. "Huh?" I confusingly asked myself. 'Luna and Y/N hanging out together? And laughing together? Y/N's supposed to have a crush on me!' I thought angrily. I marched back inside. "Two can play that game." I said angrily to myself.

Back to Y/N

"Now that you said that it makes me more calmer." Y/N giggled a little. Luna, Lincoln and Clyde giggled as well. "My friends always tell me that joke to make me feel batter. Now let's see if you can get over luan." Luna said before putting back on the wig. "Hey Y/N!" Luna said, trying her best to sound like luan. You blushed a little, but got over it. "Hey, lun- I mean luan!" You said. Lincoln looked at Clyde with a smile. They high five. "Lets go back inside now." Lincoln suggested. You all went inside, but to see Luan dressed as luna. "L-L-Luan?" You said before fainting.

Lincoln P.O.B

"Luan? What are you doing?" I asked her. "What do you mean dude? Wow, this is weird." Luan said the last part to herself. "I mean why are you dressed up as luna?" I asked. She shrugged. "Why is Luna dressed up as me? Does she want Y/N attention that's why she dressed up as me?" I looked at her confuse. "You mean, you still want Y/N to like you?" Clyde questioned for me. Luan didn't say anything. "We were just trying to get him to act normal around you bro. He hates seeing your disgusted face when his blood is all over your shoes. " Luna explained. We all nod. "Well.... I'm sorry." She said before walking off. We all looked at each other confused.

\Another day/

Your P.O.V

I knock on the door for a sleep over Lincoln was hosting. I waited couple minutes, so the door could open. The door finally open revealing luan. "L-L-Luan? Got to go! Got to go! System shutting down." Blood then started to came out of my nose and fly to luan's shoes. She then laughed it off. "Red, I better wash my shoes. HAhaha get it?" She then walk off somewhere. Lincoln came to the door smiling. "You're slightly acting normal." I smiled.

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