{15} Jealous! Older! Clyde x Female! Reader

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Topic: surprise!


I was hanging out at Lincoln's place, planning a birthday party for Clyde, my boyfriend. "So you said we could have it at Clyde's place, right? Then we'll surprise him? Got it." Lincoln noted. He right it down in his note pad. "So who's gonna be there?" Lincoln questioned. "Um, let's see. There will be your family, my family, Clyde's family and um.... That's it." I said. Lincoln had wide eyes. "Wow! That's a lot of people." "I know. We should start shopping for supplies and hurry decorate, so later I can distract him." Lincoln nod. I walked out of his room so he can get dress in peace. Couple minutes, he came out wearing his Orange shirt, blue jeans and white tennis. We walked out of the house to search for party supplies.

Clyde P.O.V

Today's the best day ever. Today's my birthday and I get to spend it with everyone that I love. I went to get my phone and called my beautiful girlfriend. I called her and she answered. "Hey babe, whatcha up to?" I asked through the phone smiling. "Oh, um. I'm just home laying down in my chair chilling and talking to you." She replied excitedly. Sounds like she was on a run. "Are you able to come by me and hang out?" I. asked, hoping she would say yes. "I'm sorry hun, but I won't be able to make it. Got a lot of work to do after I chill." She said. "I-It's ok. Talk to you later." I said then hang up. I got up and got dress so I can treat myself for my birthday. I walked out the house and walk down the street to the mall.


I walked into the mall, seeing all typed of beautiful stuff. I walked down the clothes pile to notice a [hair colour] hair girl and white hair boy. Please don't be who I think it is. I walked closer to see it was [name] and Lincoln. What are they doing here? Aren't they suppose to be home? [Name] doing something important and Lincoln reading comics? Unless? I decided to follow them around the mall.


After I follow the 'love birds', I went home. I was tired and I was hungry. It was six o'clock in the afternoon. I then got a text from [name] saying to come outside. I decided to give her a second chance. I walk outside to see her in her [any color] [car type]. She waved at me to come in. I came and sit next to her. "Happy birthday, Clyde." [Name] said sweetly. I smiled. The only person who remember my birthday. "Thanks." I said smiling. "Maybe I should carry the birthday boy out." She said smiling as she start driving. I blushed.

T I m e
S k I p

This was the best day ever. I even forget about her cheating on me. Well, kind of since I bring it back up. [Name] walk with me to the front door. "Are you coming in?" I asked her. She just nod her head. I open the door and see everything was pitch back. I flick on the lights and saw everyone jumped up from where they were and yelled surprise. I almost jumped.

Lincoln P.O.V

I heard car door shuts, which must've means [name] reached with Clyde. Everyone went somewhere to hide. We all waited until Clyde open his door. He finally opens his door and turn on the lights. Everyone yelled 'surprise!'. He almost jumped. But the look on his face, he looked like was surprise to see me. I walked up to him. "Happy birthday, bro." I said. He looked at me with a confuse face, then an understanding face. "So...... You wasn't cheating on me?" He asked [name] with a confuse face. [Name] was confuse as well. "Of course I wasn't." We explain the whole story to him. He finally understand. "Guys! Stop bickering and start partying!" Twelve year old Lola said. We all shrugged and start partying.

After dancing, singing the birthday song and talking and laughing, Clyde finally cut the cake and everybody party. Clyde was now seventeen, the same age as [name] and I. Soon, it will be my birthday.

Extended ending

"Bye guys. See ya later and thanks for coming." Clyde said to everyone as they leave. He close the door behind him and went up to his room to see a gift wrapped up in his bed. He walked to it and grabbed it. He ripped it open to see it was a picture frame with a picture of him, [name] and Lincoln in it. He smiled to his self and put it on his night stand. He then laid on his bed and immediately fell to sleep.

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