{70} •Valentine Special• Loud house X Female!Reader

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*Can Valentine also be about friends and not lovers? Good 'cause it's gonna happen in this story.....
*Warning: LGBT+ (doesn't matter right?) And unknown people.
*P.S: I want this to be an episode.

"Omg Valentine is literally tomorrow." Lori said. "What are you gonna wear Bobby boo boo bear?" Lori asked Bobby through her smart phone. "Don't worry babe. I have this red and black tux I'm gonna wear." Bobby replied. "Aww bobby, you are so cute." Lori giggled. "Wait! The dance is tomorrow?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!" Lynn asked as she was bouncing her ball on the ground. "We thought you knew. It was going around the family." Luan explained. "Bro I can't wait till the dance. It's gonna be rockin'" Luna exclaim happily. "Should I wear joy of sadness or black lust?" Lucy asked Lola holding identical dresses in both hands. Lola looked at her weirdly. "Why don't you wear the black lust?" Lola asked Lucy as she pointed to the dress that was on the right of her hands. "That's joy of sadness, but ok." Lucy said. She then walked off to her and lynn's shared room. "So, Lincoln, gonna asked Ronnie Anne to the dance?" Leni asked Lincoln. Lincoln blushed a little. "No I'm not. I'm just gonna go with Clyde." Lincoln answered. Leni pouted. "Ok." Then she went skipping off. "What's so special about Valentine day anyways?" You asked out of the blue. Everyone stopped what they were doing. "Uh, Y/N, sweety, you'll never understand." Lola said as she was painting her nails. "It's all about love. Right Bobby boo boo bear?" Lori explained. "You get that right babe. That's why I'm going to that dance with you." Bobby said over the phone. You scoff. "Is it always about dating? Why can't it be about like something else. Like...Like...Uh...." You stuttered out with your arms crossed against your chest. "You wouldn't understand because you don't have a crush." Lana smirked. Everyone start 'oh'ing. "Who needs a crush for Valentine? I'm better on my own anyway." You stated. "Anyways, let's hurry go to school before we be very late." You then get your school bag and walk out the door to Vanzilla. "Guys, we got to have a plan to make Y/N like Valentine day." Lincoln said. "How about a love potion?" Lisa suggested. Everyone shake their head no. "Y/N is so not in love that the love potion won't even work." Lori exclaimed. Everyone gasp dramatically. "Dudes! Why don't we just get a boy her age to asked her to the dance? That way she'll say yes and go with him since she's so nice." Luna suggested. Everyone nod their heads. "Awesome! Let's try that." Lincoln said. Everyone then went into the van. "What take you guys so long? I was waiting for hours!" You dramatically said. Everyone chuckle.

•At School•
"So do you have anyone to go to the dance with?" Your friend Emily curiously asked.  "I'm not going to the dance." You answered. "Why?" Your other friend, John, asked. "Duh, because it's Valentine and anything that deals with love is a no no." You replied. "I should've known." Emily chuckled. "But you love food, and your family, and your friends of course." John chuckled at the last part. "Well, those are different. It isn't like that. I'm not in love like you or Emily are." You explained. They chuckled again. "What about chelsea?" Emily smirked. You playfully glared at her. "We're just friends." You said. John smirked as well. "I don't know about that. You guys are kinda close." "How about (Boy Of Choice)?" Emily asked. You a shook your head. "Nah. He's out of my league. And besides he's got a girlfriend." You explained. "What about (Girl Of Choice)?" John asked. You shook your head again. "I would, but nah. Heard she has a date." You explained again. Suddenly a guy came up to you. "Hey, you're Y/N right? I'm Carlos and I was wondering if you could go to the dance with me?" The Boy asked. You were confuse. Was this a coincidence? "Uh... Sure. I guess." You answered. He smiled. "Okay thanks. See ya tomorrow." He then went walking off. "Yep. You sure don't deal with love." Emily sarcastically said. John chuckled. "Shut up. I didn't want to be mean. Do you know how much trouble it takes for a person to asked another person out?" You rhetorically asked. "3 seconds?" Emily answered. "Shush. That was a rhetorical question." You reply. The bell then suddenly ring. "Welp. See you guys next period or brake." John said, then ran to his class. "Bye." You both said to John.

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