{19} Scenerio~2 •How you met them•

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You were at the carnival just having fun until you bumped into a girl. "Ow!"
"Uh, sorry. Didn't see you there." You stated. Lori smiled at you. "It's ok, it was my fault for not paying attention." Lori said. You smiled. "I'm Y/N." "Oh, I'm lori" and on that day, you guys decided to hang out.


You were at the mall shopping for a birthday present for your little niece. You walked around the clothes section and found a pretty good shirt and jeans. You went to the register, telling her you want them. She smiled. "These are perfect clothes choice." She said as she put them in the bag. "Thanks." You said. "Your welcome." You smiled and walked out of the store.


You were at a concert for your birthday, jamming to the music that was playing by the person on stage. That was your favorite song as well. You were rocking until it was over. You was about to walk out until someone grabbed your shoulder. You turn around to see the same person who was playing your favorite song. "Happy birthday mate." She/Luna said in a fake British accent. "Thanks." You replied. "Your friend told me it was your birthday and he said to play that song for you. Anyways, my name is Luna by the way." Luna said in her normal voice. You smiled at her. "Thanks and my name is Y/N."


Your parents wanted to treat you and your younger sister to a stand up comedy act. Your sister didn't really like it, but you liked it. It's like the treat was made for you and she was force to come. You guys walked in the place to see a person in act. "So, a person ask me 'which part of the ocean do you live in?' And then I answer with 'I don't know, can you be pacific?' Hahaha" the girl said into the mic. Everyone laugh included (Y/N).

It was at the end of the comedy act. I saw the girl so I went up to her. "Hey, I liked your joke. It was funny." I said. She smiled. "Thanks! I'm luan." "I'm Y/N." I then heard my mom called my name. "I have to go. See ya." I waved and she waved back.


I was going to the football game with my older sister. We were finally gonna see the tigers, our favorite team, in act. The lions are not better then the tigers. We went into the stadium to see a lot of people. We luckily found a seat and the best part was that it was in the front. I sat down next to a girl wearing a lion shirt. 'her favorite team's probably lions.' I thought. The game finally start. I hollered for the tigers as the girl hollered for the lions. I looked at her. "So your favorite team's the lions?" I asked her. She nod her head. "And yours is the tigers." She stated. "Right?" I nod my head. "Cool." And since that day, we became friends.


It was the first day of school for you. You got dress in good clothes and head out the door. You finally reached your new school. You went to look for the office until you bucked up into someone and cost them to fall. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" You said as you helped him up. "It's, uh. It's ok. I'm alright. Thanks anyways." The boy said. "What's your name?" You asked him. "Lincoln loud." He replied. " what about you?" "I'm Y/N. Can you help me find the office?" "Sure."


"Hi." You said. "Hey." She replied.
as I said, I don't know where they met.


You were at the hair salon, waiting for your mom to get her hair do. You hear the door open to see a women and two child. They look like twins. The woman walked in and say down on the chair so the other woman could get hair. I walked up to the lady like twin. "Hi" I said. She smiled. "Hello! Are you into makeup or those sort of stuff?" She asked. I nod my head. "Good! Then your my best friend." She said. I giggled to myself.


You were  the park, just chilling, until you saw a human digging up in the ground. You were confuse onto  why they were digging in the ground. "Um, excuse me, but, Are you ok?" I asked the person. The person poked their head out from the hole they dig. "Hm? Oh yeah, I'm totally fine." The person said. "Um, why are you digging a hole in the ground?" I asked confuse. She smiled. "To put these worms in." She showed me her hand full of worms. I cringed. "Why such a big hole though?" "Oh, so I can put myself in it as well." She smiled. I smiled awkwardly and run off.


You were going to the science fair for your brother. He entered couple weeks ago and they decided to have it at this place, where your at now. You walked around with your mom holding your hand and your older brother off somewhere the people tell him to be at. "Mommy, when is the thing gonna start?" "Soon- oops, never mind, it's starting now." You all watch as the fair went on.
"Second place is..... German [last name]!" Everyone clapped for him. "-And our first place winner is..... Lisa loud!" Everyone hollered for her. you clapped as well, but slowly. She walked off the stage and to these group of people. After she was done talking to them, you came running to her. "Congrats." You said to her . She smiled. You then run off to your mom.


Your mom was going to the loud's family to hang out. She knock on the door, they answer and let you guys in. She put you down so you can play with lily. Lily crawled to you and stay there and stared at you. You stared at her and both of you start to laugh. That was the best day of your life.


You were hanging out with lincoln at his place, reading ace savvy with him. You both heard a doorbell ring. Lincoln went to see who it was. You continued to read the comic with the book up in your face. You heard the door open then close. "Oh lincoln, who's that?" The voice, who you didn't recognize, asked. You put the book down to your lap to see the person face. He was cute, you couldn't lie about that, but when he asked Lincoln that question, it for sure annoyed you. "Oh! That's Y/N and Y/N that's clyde. The guy who I always wanted you to meet." Lincoln said excitedly. You put on a fake smile. "Hello." You said. "Hi." Clyde said. You looked on the watch to check for the time, which was on you wrist. "Sorry lincoln, gotta go. Give you the my other mangas tomorrow." You said as you got up. "Bye Y/N." Lincoln replied. "See ya clyde." You said, then walk out of the door to go home. "Wow! She's really pretty." Clyde said. Lincoln smiled, knowing something good was gonna happen.

Ronnie Anne:

You walked into the lunchroom. You buy your food then took a seat to a random table. You stayed there and eat your food. You could've feel a presence next to you. You look beside you see a Mexican looking girl. She looked at you and smile. Some how, you guys just started talking and became best friends.


(I don't know where the heck he work, so I'm just making up a job)

You were going to the grand pool with your friends. You went to change and have fun in the pool. Your friends then start giggling. You looked confuse. "Why are you guys giggling?" You asked. "That life guard totally got the hots for you." One of your friend, Emily, said. You turn around to see the life guard staring at you. He blushed and looked away. "You should totally go talked to him." Emily said. The rest of your friends agree. You walked up to him to see him blush. "Hey." You said. "Hey." He replied. "My friends said you were staring at me." You said bluntly. He blushed darker shades of red. "I-I'm just doing life guard duties." He said. 'of course. My friends just wanted me to talk to this dude.' You thought. "Ok, see ya later." You said then walked back to your friends. He saw your friends start teasing you and stuff and blushed deeper. He smiled as well.

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