{92} •Save Lincoln•

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This a continuation...


"So we go here, then there." Remind mercinda. The others nod. "Shouldn't we tell Lincoln about this idea? He would want to know." Ask Hellen. Mercinda nod her head. "You're right. Leon, get your brother." Leon nod his head before going.

He walk down the hall. "Why do I have a bad feeling about lincoln?" He question himself. He find himself in front of the room Lincoln was staying in. He knock before going inside. As he went inside, he saw no one, but notice a note on the bed. He walk to it and pick it up.

'if you want you're little buddy back, then come to the abandon hotel. I'll have a challenge waiting for you and if you pass, you'll get him and if you don't... Who knows what will happen.
P.S: send the girl

Leon gasp before running out the room and to the others. "Lincoln has been kidnap!" Leon inform. He hand to letter to ganke, who read it out loud. They all gasp. "I guess he had finally found me." Said Bonnie. Everyone looked at her. "What do you mean?" Ask hellen. "Yeah, sorry for not telling you, but I was apart of a gang and I just dropped out and took all their money." Bonnie explain. Hellen gasp. "No time for stories, we gotta save lincoln." Leon demand. Everyone nod before going, but hellen felt like she couldn't trust no one anymore.

\At the abandon hotel/

"I see you people have make it." The unknown voice said from the shadows. They remove from the the shadows to reveal a man with black hair and blond tips. He is wearing a black jacket over his black shirt with black pants and black tennis. "Bonnie, glad you came along. I thought you wasn't gonna come back." He smirk. Bonnie plaster the same smirk. "Just came for a friend, you know." She reply. He open the door to reveal a dark place. As they step in the room they were in, lit up. "Meet kacey. He'll be one of the opponents you'll be facing. There be others along the way, but most of you don the able to see the rest. Kacey, explain your powers." A boy with black hair and black glasses got up from the chair he was sitting on. His pink jacket wrinkles as he got up. "The rules are simple. Just don't say 'H O T' or your soul will be taking by me." Kacey explain. "Hope you enjoy yourselves, not really. Bye." The unknown man said as he ran away to another room. It was now quiet.

"Well, it is kinda h-" mercinda was about to say, but was cut of by ganke hand over her mouth. "Remeber, do not say the word." He remind. Mercinda nod her head, removing his hand from her mouth.

"I bet this thing ain't even real." Blurt leon. Everyone look at him as he went up to the guy. "It is real. This is my power, so if course it's real." Kacey explain. Leon scoff. "So if I say the word, my soul will be taking by you?" The guy nod. "I don't believe you." "Wanna bet?" Leon angrily look at him. "Hot!" Soon, he was erupted in red flames. His eyes then turn black and his soul came out of his body. The soul went towards the black headed boy. Everyone gasp. "This is what happen if you say the word."

"I'm so thirsty." Hellen said. Bernie point at a fridge that was near by. "I'll get a drink for you." He went to it and open up the fridge. "Gee, all this dude have is Orange fanta." "Grab one, we can share with each other." Hellen said. Soon, she was erupted in light blue flames. The same thing that happened to Leon happen to her. "Dude! She didn't even say the word! What's your problem?" Bernie ask. The guys smirk. "Forgot to tell you. If the word is close together, their soul gets taken." He explain. "But she was hot! All she wanted was something to drink! Wait, uh-oh." Soon, he was erupted in yellow flames. "You gotta do what you gotta do." The guy state. He soon smirk.

"Three more left"

To be continued

Hope you enjoy

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