{32} Scenerio ~5 •When you both kiss•

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After your date with Lori. She decided to drop you home. "Today was awesome." Lori said smiling. You giggled. "Yeah. It kinda was." "So my kind of date isn't that good?" Lori jokingly asked. "Of course it was." You giggled. "Anyways. See ya later." You said. You kissed Lori on the lips and walked away. You waved at her and she's waved at you.


You and Leni were at the movies. You had your hand around her shoulders and she had her head on your shoulder. 'I can't leave without you. Your my only family.' The girl in the movie said. 'you have to go if you don't want to die.' The guy in the movie said. 'before I go.' She walked up to the guy. 'promise me one thing.' 'and what might that be.' The guy said. She lean in to kiss him and he kiss back. 'that you will always love me.' The girl said. She then ran off and the movie end. "Wow! That was awesome. I hope they have part two of this." Leni stated as she got off the seats with her garbage, the snacks she ate, in hand. "Yeah. Me too." You said. You both walked out of the theater and into your car. "Maybe we should try what they did." You said smirking. Leni looked confuse. "Do what?" "This." You lean in to kiss her and she kissed back. You break the kiss. "Oh. That what you mean."


"The circus was so fun. Especially the music part." You said smiling. "I knew you would like it." Luna smiled. She went to walk you back to your house. "My brother's probably worried. He's probably wondering where I am." You said as you both reach your door. "Thanks again Luna." You lean in to kiss her and she kissed back. "No problem." And then she went walking back to her place.


You walked luan to her house. "That was awesome. We should try that again." Luan said. You nod your head in agreement. "Anyways, I should get going." You started to walk away. "Wait!" Luna stopped you by putting her hand on your shoulders. You turn around to see Luan leaning in to kiss you. You lean in to kiss her. She broke the kiss after couple seconds for air. "See ya!" She turn around and open the house door to her house to get inside.


"That was fun!" You exclaim happily. "Yeah it was." Lynn said as you both sit back down at your seats. You both did went on a date, but it was inside the stadium. What did you thought? You thought you would go out the stadium and fly all the way to africa? Oh please! "Oh look! The lions are winning!" Lynn cheered. You looked at her smiling. The lions won the game and beat the tigers by three points. "Now how about we do..... KISS CAM!!" The announcer said. Everyone freaked out. The kiss cam finally came on and it was on both you and lynn. Lynn looked at you smirking. She lean in to kiss and kissed back. It was the best day ever. Even though your parents didn't appreciate it.


"Eh. Even though it wasn't a date. I still liked that." You said to Lucy as you guys were walking to the park. "Which part was your favorite? My favorite part was when we were trying to summon the spirits." Lucy said casually. "Yeah um.... That one was ok, but my favorite part was when we were putting each other in the coffins." You chuckled to yourself. You guys finally reached the part. You both find a bench to sit on. "Yeah. I guess that was my favorite." Lucy replied. "Are you ok lucy?" "Yeah. I just never carry a person out on a date before. I don't even think that was a date. I'm sorry if I made the date so terri-" Lucy was cut off by you kissing her. You then break the kiss. "It was great lucy. That was one of the scariest date ever. It was also fun, but scary, but fun." You smiled at her and she smiled back at you. "Thanks Y/N." "Your welcome lucy."


After the date, Lincoln carry you to his house. Not literally. You both sit on his bed reading mangas you picked out from the store. "Dang, these books are good." You complimented as you turn the page. Lincoln looked at you and blushed then looked back at the manga. "Did you picked out the romance manga? I don't really like romance." Lincoln said as he turn the page. He blushed beet red as he see what was on the next page. "Well, yeah. Romance are good and.... why are you blushing?" Lincoln motion you to come and look at the picture in the manga. You looked and blushed beet red as well. "Well.... We should try what their doing." You smirked and looked at lincoln. Your faces were very close to each other. It's like you were about to kiss, which you were. You lean in to kiss Lincoln and he kissed back. "That was amazing!" You said as you broke the kiss. "Yeah." Lincoln agreed.


All day you guys were playing with dollies. You didn't really enjoy it, but Lola did. You were getting kinda annoyed. "Y/N! Come and play with me!" Lola wined. "FINE!" You shouted at her frustrated. "Eh. Nevermind." Lola said sadly. She walked over to her bed. "I'm sorry for screaming at you lola. I was just getting annoyed from playing dolly." You told her. She turn from sad to happy real quick. "It's ok. It was kinda getting boring anyways." You looked at her and smile. "Anyways, I have to go. My mom is probably waiting out their for me." You said walking to the door, but Lola came in the way and blocked you. "You have to kiss me first." Lola said smiling. You looked confuse. "What? Why?" " 'Cause you have to kiss me." Lola said smirking. Lola know how bad you wanted to go home so she put this trick on you. "Fine!" You give in. You kiss her and so did she. After couple minute, you both broke the kiss. "See ya!" She smiled as she open the door for you to get out.


"The zoo wasn't so bad. I thought you was gonna dig a whole in the ground and put me under it. Haha." You joked. Lana laughed with you. "Don't worry. I'll never plan on doing that." Lana chuckled. You two were walking to your house so Lana can drop you off. You insisted on walking home alone, but Lana offered. "Here we are. Thanks for walking me lana. Be safe on your road trip or walk trip. Haha get it? Anyways, see ya." You waved, but Lana grabbed your hand. You faced her and her lips were on yours. "Now that's more like it." Lana said after she broke the kiss then walked off. "See ya!" She waved.


"The game store was very awesome. We should hang there again some time." "Tatally!" Clyde agreed. "Lets go by your house." You offered. Clyde nods his head. You both walk to his house and into his room. "Lets play some games." Clyde said as he grabbed two controllers. He handed one to you and you grabbed it. "Ok." You both popped on his bed and start to play. "Man your good." You said as you lose the game to clyde. "Thanks Y/N, but since I win...." Clyde lean in to kiss you. You didn't want to kiss him, but you still give in.

Ronnie Anne:

You and Ronnie Anne were at your house chilling and laying on your bed. "You know I just notice that your ceiling looks awesome." Ronnie Anne said. You smiled. "Thanks. I decorate it myself." "Well it looks awesome." Ronnie Anne turn to face you. You turn to face her as well. She lean in to kiss you and you did the same.


You and Bobby were at the beach enjoying yourselves. You were in the water relaxing until someone came and splashed water on you. "Hey!" You yelled at the person. The person came up to you. "Sorry Y/N." The person said. "You're lucky it's you bobby." You said. You then splash water on him and start to cackle. He splash water on you and both of you start having a water fight. Some how Bobby grabbed your waste and kissed you. You pushed yourself away from him. "Nice try big boy." You laughed and swim away from him as he came swimming after you.

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