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You might think this is weird but thank you for #5 in washingdad! I'm so happy! ON TO THE STORY!!

Hamilton POV

This. Is. The. Worst. Besides being stuck in this tent for about a month, my friends are trying to get me to sneak out!! If I do that..... Oh no. Here they come.
"Hello Alex! Have you chosen the right choice yet? Or will we need to drag you out." John is serious. I can hear it in his voice.
"I.... Can't. I'm already in trouble."
"Oui. But vouldn't it be fun to go out at night pettiete lion?"
"Maybe.... But still no. Leave me alone now please."
"I'm......... Going to nap.......ya... Goodnight!" I'm actually writing. I like writing especially writing Mr. Washington's letters. He doesn't know though. I think...
"Ok Alex... We know your not sleeping but bye anyways."
"(Snore)" I'm sure that's believable.
"Ya right." Ok.. It's not. Well.. They left at least! Now for work!
(Hamilton works until Washington gets back to the tent at 9:30.)
"Yes sir?"
"Shouldn't you be resting?"
"Ummm... No?"
"(Chuckle) of course." Why does Washinton think I'm funny? I'm not being funny!!
"Son? Where did my pile of paperwork go?"
"What pile sir?"
"The pile under your pillow " I've been discovered ABORT!
"Oh! How did those get there?"
"Funny.... I don't remember doing these."
"That's weird sir. Maybe you should sleep sir."
"This isn't my handrighting either.." Why is he looking at me?!?
"Oh umm maybe you did them in the dark?"
"Alex. Have you been doing my work?" There's no use in lying anymore.
"Yes sir."
"Alex your arm is hurt. You shouldn't be wrighting."
"But sir-"
"Don't get me wrong. These are very well written. You can help me once your arm is healed. Until then...(locks papers up) no writing."
"Ok sir." You know what? I think I'm gonna sneak out of here tomorrow night. YEET.

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