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Washington's POV

Of course. My son has already been captured by the British. I should probably make make a plan to rescue him.
"Alright. This time we'll just (battle tactics), then (more battle tactics). That should hold them off while the main parties go inside to search. We leave midnight. The darkness should give us a little cover." Time to save my son. (They succeed. Everyone is rescued. Yay! Everything is happy! Right?)

Hamilton's POV

Ugh... I hate waking up in the medical wing. Hey! At least I'm back! Where's Navi though? Shouldn't she be here? Oh wait. Here's a note: Dear Best Friend Alex, I must leave. By the time you have read this I am long gone. I hope to see you again, when I am not on the run. Here's a token of my gratitude for being my best friend. -Navi
I can't believe Navi already left! I just met her! I'm sure I'll her again. Ooh! Navi gave me three shiny gems! They are blue, red, and green. I'll always keep them close. Oh. Here comes Mr. Washington.
"Son, did the British come into our camp a week ago?" Umm... I'll just.. Kinda lie.
"Well... Umm... No."
"Why were you captured then, son?"
"I... I snuck out... But only for fresh air! I was going back inside when... I fell and rolled to the British." Basically what happened.
"(Sigh) son. You need to be more careful. I would take you back to Mt. Vernon, but it's too cold to go that far. If you don't stay in the tent unless you need food or anything like that, I'll make sure to send you back as soon as possible. Okay, son?"
"Okay, sir." I wish I could do something more. Maybe I will talk to Laf tomorrow.

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