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Hamilton's POV

I know the general is around here somewhere. I should check the tent! Oh look! I forgot to write this! I'm sure he won't mind if I just...

Washington's POV

"We don't know sir. He wasn't here this morning when we came to check on him." I don't understand. We put wooden bars around his bed! Did he skip out of them? He couldn'tve. He may be small but he's not that small.
"Lets look for him. Rogmobile, search the hospital, I'll search my tent."
"Okay sir." He better not be writing. (Gets there)

Hamilton's POV

"ALEXANDER?" Oops I forgot again. I shouldn't have tried to finish 15 stacks.
"Yes, siwr?" Hmm my voice sounds.. Different.
"Alex? Are you... Three?"
"What? That's pwopostewous!"
"Come here. Yea, you're definitely three years old." How?! I wasn't three before!
"It doesn't matter. My ouchies are gowne, so I can fight!"
"Son, you were too young to fight before, what makes you think you'll be old enough now?" UGH. I better find my friends so they can help me sneak out. They should be three too, right?
"Imma go pway bye."
"Woah there. I think you need a nap."
"No. I don't take 'naps'."
"Sure. (Picks him up)."
"Hey put me down! I can walk fine!"
"C'mon. Into bed."
I guess I'll have to find them after my nap. There's no way Mr. Washington will let me out of his sight now that I'm three. I wonder why he's not looking for laf? Shouldn't he be three or four? Even if he's the same, where is he?
"Mr. Wawhington? Whewe's Waf?"
"He's fighting, son. You became three and he became 18 somehow. He's legally an adult so I can't stop him."
Great. Just great. While I'm here napping Laf's out fighting. Could this be any worse?!?

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