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Hamilton's POV

Ugh.... What.. Time is it? How long have I slept?!?

"Ah. You are awake."


"Ten hourz." Ten hours!! Oh man.

"Is it at least time to meet this person you were talking about?"

"Well... Actually.. Maybe you zhouldn't meet zem."


"Reazonz." Ugh. He can't just get my hopes up like that and just chrush them!

"Pleeeaasssseee! I'll be extra good from now on."



"Fine. You can meet Zem.... Tomorrow. After I talk with zem more."

"Yay!" Oof. Why did I say that aloud?? Whatever. I wonder why Laf almost didnt want me to see him. Oh well. I better get back to work.

In the next chapter, you'll find out who Ham is seeing!!

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