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I would love to write more, but I've reached the max of chapters, and I'm moving tomorrow. I hope u enjoy!

Hamilton's POV

Today's the day! Yesterday, I got to camp. Now I get to meet this mysterious person! I wonder if they'll like me! Maybe they won't. Maybe I'll just talk, talk, talk, and talk and he'll become so annoyed he shoots me! That would be extremely bad. Horrible, even. Nevertheless, I am really exited! But who is it? There coming!!

"Hello, Hamilton."

"Who are you?"

"Don't you remember me? I'm Aaron Burr."

"Maybe... Anyways, what did you need."

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"Okay..." Is it just me, or does this sound shady.. Probably nothing. I mean, what's the worst he could do? Mr. Washington and Laf are right there. "Talk about what?"

"First, let me offer you some free advice. Talk less. Smile more."

"(Smiles weirdly) like this?"

"Eh.. Sure. And finally, don't let them know what you're against or what you're for."

"You can't be serious!"

"You wanna get ahead?"

"Yes! I've-" Wait. He told me to talk less.

"Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead. Just like our 'great leader's Washington will soon be! (Pulls out a gun and points it at Washington.) You rejected my services. Now, you will pay."

(Shots fire)

"No!" Ow.... That... Hurt...

" with us..."

"Here... (Shows him note he wrote for him) I love" (Passes out)

Washington's POV

My son!! Why!!! His note...

Dear dad,

I want to say sorry for everything I've done to you over the years, and to say thanks for everything you've done. All you ever tried to do was protect me. All I ever wanted to do was get killed. I'm sorry. I promise I'll try harder. I promise I'll listen. I don't want to make you sad anymore. I want you to be happy.

-love, Alex ❤

Hamilton's POV

Ow... what...where..


"Yeah, I guess I am alive. Nice."


Wow. A happy ending. Maybe a part two???????? 

If you want a part two, comment below!!

Stay in school.

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