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Hamilton's POV

... There. All done. That was fun, but now it's time to find John and Herc.
"Buh-bye Siwr, imma go find Jowhn."
"Are you sure? Why don't you play some more inside." Why doesn't he want me to leave the tent? It doesn't matter, I'll slip away. Ah. Here comes a soldier to distract him.
"Sir, we need you in the tactic tent."
"I'll be right there. Son, stay in the tent. Ok?"
"Ok siwr!" Yes! This is my time.
"Johwn? Whewe awe you?" Oh there he is! He's..... Dueling. I wanna be his second! I'll just go up ahead and be his second.
"The duel will commence after we count to ten."
"Ready to die, Laurens?"
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, number ten! Paces fire!" (Laurens shoots Lee)
"Ha Jowhn won!"
"ALEX? Are you... Why are you... How did you..."
"HERE COMES THE GENERAL!" this should be fun.
"What is the meaning of this? Mr burr, get a medic for the general."
"Lee you will never agree with me but believe me these young men don't speak for me. Thank you for your service." Looks like he forgot I was there. I'm just gonna slowly creep away...
"Tent. Now." Not again... How many times has this happened now? More than two. Defiantly more than three.
"Downt call me sown,"
"You have to be careful."
"But wee called you bluff!"
"This solves nothing! It just aggravates the south."
"Jowhn should have showt him in the mouth."
"I'm not youwr sown."
"Watch your tone young man." Young man? I'm 11.
"Siwr, if you have me command-"
"No your too young, son." I'm not young!!
"CAWLL ME SOWN ONW MOWRE TIME!" Oh no. I messed up.
"You're going home Alexander. That is an order."
"Home." This is worse than I imangened. Home? All the way to Mt. Vernon? No. I can't allow it. I'll have to make it impossible to send me back. Maybe, once he sees what a good fighter I am, he'll reconsider! I better get a plan for breaking out of my tent first. Would any of my friends help me? Or would they be 'responsible' or whatever. Whatever the circumstance, I have to escape before I'm sent to Mr.Washington's home. What would I be able to do there anyways? Sit in a fancy room and stare at the fancy wall? UGH. That would be... Oh wait. This is a punishment. No matter. I need to escape. And I think I know how.

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