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Hamilton's POV


Well, it must have worked, because I don't feel anything. I should probably open my eyes now.
*opens them*
"Laf?!? Wha- how are you here?"
"I came to rezcue you, Petite Lion. Did you think I wouldn't notice your dizzaprearnze?"
"Oh. Yeah. About that--"
"We will talk about zat later. You are in big trouble, mizter. Be sure of zat." I guess that's fair. I mean, I did run away.
"You can put me down now, Laf. I can walk."
"No. You have no idea where we even are." True.
"Okay," ugh. This is so embarrassing. Im not a child. I'm basically an adult now. Why doesn't anybody see that? Whatever. I wonder how Mr. Washington's gonna react. He's probably mad at me. I would be too. But I had to do this! If I were him, I would just be like
'Its okay, son. Here's a battalion. Go live with your wife.' But nooooOo. I can't be trusted with anything! I wouldn't have to sneak put it I were allowed to be outside! Ugh. Oh no. There's Mr. Washington. He doesn't look happy.

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