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Hamilton's POV

Why? Why must it be so boring here! There's nothing to do! I was right when I said that all I would do here is stare at fancy walls! And for some reason, Laf and Mrs. Washington don't trust me! And, they're very suspicious! When will this torture end???

Washington's POV

Few. I'm back. The British will wish they had never captured me when they notice I have information on them! Wait... WHERE'S ALEX?? LAF IS GONE TOO? WHERE ARE MY SONS?
"Hey! Umm what's your name, soldier?" Have I seen this man before?
"I'm Gouverner Morr-"
"Great. Have you seen my sons?" He must know!
"Well, we all assumed you were dead, sir. They are safe at Mt. Vernon."
"Thank you, Umm... What was it again?"
"Gouverner Mor-"
"Yea. Thank you again soldier!" I'm so glad my bois are safe! Laf can come back to fight, because he's old enough and a very good general, and Alex... Can stay there. He'll be safer there. He probably loves it there anyways! ("I hate it here!" - Ham)
Now, to regroup and find my generals. We need to plan an attack.

Hamilton's POV

I'm going to die of boredom. Hey look! Mrs. Washington got a letter!
"Oh my... Lafayette, dear! Come here!"
"What iz it mama? Oh yez! And I may go back to ze war! Ziz iz perfect!"
"What's perfect? I thought the war was over?"
"Well, son... It never ended. You see, you came here bc my husband went missing. He's been found and scince Lafayette is of age and is an exceptionally good fighter, he will return to the war."
"What about me?" Certainly I should get to go back the war has been like my home.
"Well... You're too young and too prone to injuries. You get to stay here with me where it's safe."
I don't wanna be safe I wanna fight! I'll find my way out. Just you wait. You can't keep Alexander Hamilton in one place for too long. Especially if he doesn't want to be there.
"Goodbye, Petite Lion! I will zee you zoon!"
"(Mumble) Sooner than you think. (Normal.) Bye Laf!!"

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