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I love the pic up there so much I just had to put it in YEETMAS.

Hamilton's POV

Oh YEET! I'm on the battle field! I just can't wait to shoot some rec coats! I'm so excited for this attack, that I've already memorized the whole entire plan and who's doing what. For some unknown reason, Laf put me in the middle, so it will be harder to get me, even if they manage to flank us. I wish I could be in the very front but, hey, this is good enough. Here they come! Time to win!

3person POV

The fight was long and hard. The battle lasted for two days. Somehow, the Americans managed to pull through and win with less casualties. I know this will be shocking but...... Ham got shot. He decided to run out into the front to fight, and was shot not too long after. As soon as Ham was shot though, he popped back up determined to keep fighting. But then he was shot again, and dragged off the field by the nurses.

Hamilton's POV

I should still be fighting. Two bullets to the arm is nothing. I've seen worse. But what do I tell Mr. Washington? Speaking of him...
"Son? Why are you here?" Umm...
"I was.. Shot... While walking in the woods."
"... Really?" Ugh.
"Okay. I was fighting. But you did say I could!" Ha! Logic: it sometimes helps.
Thoughts of. Washingdad: oh no. I did.
"I didn't hear you!"
"Sorry?" Umm... This is just awkward now..
"Just.... (Sigh) we'll  talk about this when you're healed. You should rest now." Whatever. As long as it delays punishment.

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