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Hamilton's POV

Ahh. I feel so refreshed. Too bad I've got to talk to Mr. Washington now. I wonder where he is. Well.. If he's not here it couldn't hurt to look around camp a bit...
"Son!! How did you do this much damage to the camp in a little less than a month!"
"Well Papa... I azzumed you left for good. Zorry." (Sorry doesn't cut it! shan_hamilfan might understand)
"Well... Let's clean up your mess." Wow. Lad burnt down half the camp. How did I not notice that?? Oh well. Maybe I can help!
"Hi sir! Can I help with anything?"

Washington's POV

What do I tell my small frail son? He wants to help, and we need some helpers but... He's so frail and tiny! Umm... Aha! He can pick up...
"You can pick up... all the twigs you see."
"Okay sir!"  Speaking of my son, I still need to punish him for running away. I think maybe grounding for a whole year sounds fair.

Hamilton's POV

"Okay sir!" He actually gave me a job to do! Pretty soon I'll be fighting with the rest of them! I hope Mr. Washington forgot about all that running away stuff. I mean, I was only gone for like almost a month! Well, I better pick up the rest of these stic-. Is that? The British! I better get Mr. Washington!
"Sir! The British are coming!"
"MEN! BATTLE FORMATIONS! Son! Get in the tent!"
"Can I-"
"Okay, sir." Man! I wanted to help. I thought I was moving up. Well, at least I got to pick up those sticks! I just wish I could be out there. Maybe tomorrow. I'm sure I'll fight tomorrow.

~ Time skip ~

Great! There goes my chance of fighting! I can't believe I'm grounded for a whole year. I just wanna fight! By the time I get to fight, I'll be 14! Ugh. I'm not ' irresponsible either! I'm like the most responsible person in this tent. (Its just him in there) Whatever. I'm not getting out of punishment this time.

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