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It's no fair. My older sister, 24t25t, doesn't have to come to school today. She gets to go to an amusement park! Where do I get to go? School. Boring school. Well, enough of that, onto YEETMAS!

Hamilton's POV

Now... How could I escape here... Mrs. Washington blocked all the windows, so that's a no go. The donor's locked, and Laf is right behind it. Well.. Maybe I could bust through a wall or something... No, that would attract attention. Will that really keep me here until the war's over and I'm legally an adult? I can't wait that long! There has to be something they forgot. A loose board, something! I can't be trapped here.. Can I?

"Petite Lion! I'm coming back!" Well, my time is up.

"Do you ztill feel okay? Need anyzing?"

"No. I think I'll take a nap."

"Wonderful! Take a long one. You look tired." I am. But it's not a time for sleeping. I just need him to go away again. I can't think with him constantly going on about how I look tired, hungry, sick, and bla bla bla. Ugh. Why is this bed so comfy? No. I'm not sleeping. I'm not tiired. *yawn* Uuuggghhh.

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