Peter and the ice cream incident

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So I made this story for an assignment, but I loved it so much I had to use it! Also Julio Is the name I had to use so ya.

“Hey! Is that an ice cream truck?” Peter asked his best friend Julio.

    “Duh it’s an ice cream truck!” Julio replied. “C’mon, let’s go catch it. I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood for cold sweet goodness.”

    “Well then what are we waiting for?” Peter said as he ran past his friend to buy his ice cream first.

    “Oh, so it’s a race now?” Julio shouted after Peter. The two boys ran as fast as they could. Finally, they caught up to the truck, and got it to stop.

    “I’d like an chocolate ice cream sandwich, please!” Peter told the man in the truck.

    “Me too,” said Julio. “But I would like vanilla.” Peter elbowed his friend to use his manners.

    “Please.” Julio reluctantly mumbled.

“Sorry boys,” said a scratchy voice inside the truck. “There’s no ice cream today. Now scram.”

“Well excuse, me!” Julio shouted at the man.

“Looks like this one needs a lesson in manners.” the man said. “ if you like your head, I suggest you leave now.” Julio gasped and held his neck.

“Um… that’s not very nice, sir.” Peter whispered. No matter how shy Peter was, he wouldn’t stand for someone threatening his friend like that. Or such bad manners.

“What’d you say?” the man said, jerking Peter forward and pulling him up by his collar.

“Um.. I..” Peter stutered. He knew what he needed to do, but was it  worth the risk? Then, Peter kicked him in the face, grabbed Julio’s hand and started running.

“Come on!” Peter shouted at his dazed friend.

“What? How did you do that?” Julio asked, still confused at the whole situation. Peter was, in the nicest way possible, weak.

“I’ll explain later. Right now we need to go!” They ran as fast as they could into a dark alleyway a couple blocks away. Once they were sure he was gone, Peter pulled out his phone and started to dial Tony Stark.
"You know the Tony Stark!?!" Julio shouted in astonishment.

"Please keep it down! And, well, kinda. You know about my Stark internship, right?"

"Yeah, but I didn't know it meant you knew Tony Stark!"

"I'll explaon this whole mess later," Peter promised. "but right now we need to call for help."
"I can't just tell him I'm Spider-Man!" Peter thought to himself. "That would only make things more confusing." No matter what kind of situation he was in, he never wanted to bother Mr. Stark. Nevertheless, Peter knew May would freak out if she knew what had happened. So, he gathered his courage, and pressed call.

"Kid? What's wrong?" Tony questioned from the other end. Tony knew the kid only called when he really had to because he was afraid. Tony wanted Peter to feel welcome to call him anytime, but Peter always said,

"I don't want to interrupt with my silly things." Once, Peter got stabbed and begged Karen not to call Tony incase he was busy.

"I'm really, really sorry to bother you, Mr. Stark. Especially for something as petty as this. But someone threatened to decapitate my friend, again I'm really sorry-"

"What?!?" Tony almost flew out of his chair. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No. But we're a bit stranded in an alley and-uh got to go Mr. Stark. Sorry for the bother." And Peter hung up. While Peter was on the phone, the man in the truck came back, but with other men with guns.

"Looks like we made him mad." Julio said.

"Yeah." The gang was surrounding them, and Peter didn't know what to do.
"Attack!" His mind screamed at him. But his limbs were numb and he couldn't move an inch. After what felt like an hour, but was really a minute, Peter regained his senses, and started to fight. It was not a quick battle. Since Peter had never been up against so many men before with guns, he was a little slow and got hit. Luckily, he still managed to fend them off by himself.
"Peter... That was awesome." Julio breathed. "You should have told me you were trained in martial Arts!"

"I guess that was pretty cool." Peter said, crossing his arms over his chest making him wince. "Ow. Must have gotten punched pretty good."
Finally, Iron Man whoshed above them, and landed close to Peter.

"Okay. First, why are you hurt?" Tony asked, looking concerned.

"Well I.." Peter started.

"He fought off like ten guys with guns!" Julio interrupted. "During which he got punched really hard!  But Peter managed to hold ground!"

"Thanks Julio." Peter said sarcastically.

"And You decided not to tell me this why?" Tony asked.

"Well, Mr. Stark it happened when I hung up.." Peter mumbled.

"Lets get your friend home." Tony suggested. After dropping Julio off, Tony talked with Peter.

"Next time, please don't hang up. It's kind of hard to help when you don't let me." Tony said. He was just glad Peter escaped with only a couple bruises.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark." Peter felt like he had failed Mr. Stark.

"I better drop you off before your aunt gets too worried about where you are. Also, don't patrol until all those bruises have healed."

"Okay, Mr. Stark." Peter didn't want to say that. He wanted to protest that he was fine, and could go back to patrolling immediately, but he knew he wouldn't win. After this incident, Mr. Stark secretly placed a tracker on Peter, just in case. Peter didn't notice, but felt suspicious when Mr. Stark knee where he was before he told him. Julio continued to be himself and never made the connection that Peter was Spider-Man.

That was fun! I might do one of those again sometime, so be on the lookout for them. As always, stay in school kids. It helps. A lot.

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