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Hamilton's POV

Hmm... I should go check on John and Herc. I haven't seen them since... Forever! Ugh, I hope their not like Laf.....
"Hi guys! Look who's back!"
"ALEX? Shouldn't you be resting? Is that an ink stain on your shirt? I thought you weren't allowed to write?" Yup. They're like Laf.
"First, I thought I was the fast talker, and secondly, I'm allowed to be here and to write." Yeash. Before, no one cared. Now as soon as I 'die' everyone cares.
"Why don't you get extra rest anyway, Alex. You look paler than usual." Well Herc is kinda right. I've felt very dizzy all morning. Especially right now.
"Woah, the world is spinning again.." (Alex tries to walk away, but walks in a circle and falls down)
"Alex, maybe we should help you to bed." I can't really decline Herc's offer, since everything is spinning fast.

(Time skip. Same day)

Ugh.. What's this note doing here?
It says....' I have......John.......Arnold'? Wait.... Benedict Arnold's got John! I've got to save him! If I could just tell such direction I'm going. I'm sure I'll be fine. Where could he have taken John? Probably on the trails since I'm not allowed to go there. To the trails I try to go!

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