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Benedict Arnold's POV

Im walking in the woods because I heard some red coats over near the trails. Golly, looks like they're gone.
"Ahhh!" Someone Screams. Was that a gun shot? I better check it out.
"False alarm. Just a bunch of children. Move out!" Golly I missed them again. Oh this must be the person who screamed, and the child they were talking about.
(Hamilton passes out) is he.... I think so. Wait.. That's Washington's boi. I better tell him his boi is dead.

Lafayette POV

"You see papa.. We were on ze trail when Alex went ahead. Zen, he saw  some red coats. He told us to run. Zen...." Benedict Arnold? What is he doing here?
"Sir.... I found ur boi in the forest dead with a wound in his side."
"Thank you for this vaulble information. Excuse me and my son for a moment." Papa pulled me by ze arm into our tent and we cried over petite lion's death.
"Hey, why don't you grab your friends and come into town with me to get some food?"
"(Sniffle) okay papa." Once I gathered them up we went to town. Zis food is delicious, but it can't replace Alex. We're now sharing stories about Alex.
"Rember last year when we dragged Alex outside while he was grounded and hurt?" Herc says.
"What?" Uh oh. I may have forgetten to tell Papa about that.
No. Way. Is that?
"Hi" Alex says. Then he passes out.

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