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Hamilton's POV
Ahh. It's always so relaxing by the pond. Is that Laf? Why is he running towards me?
"For wha-" (Benedict Arnold stabbs Alex in the arm with a circular knife so he's more likely to bleed to death. Laf runs to get help.) Ahhh! It's hurts so much worse than before.
"Heh. You can thank my wife Rachel, who is much eviler than me for that stab."
"W-what do you w-want?"
"Simple. To get all my anger out. You see, I was racing another soldier to see who could kill the most. He won. Now, I must hurt you for it." (Stabbity stab stab, gunny gun gun) (Washington starts running in)
"Oh look at the time! Bye, Hamilton. See you later." Ahhhhhhhhhh! Everything hurts so bad... Ahhhhh!
"H-hi s-sir!"
(Washington shakes his head)
"Son, let's get you help he got you pretty baaaaaaaaaaaaaa-" I can't hear him anymore. I can barely see anything. Why-.

Heh. What happens next? Find out tommorow!

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