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So.. You know when you watch a show as a joke and then get hooked? That happened here. Now I like Pokemon. Oops.

Hamilton's POV

AHH. No no no! I better not have fallen asleep! Ugh. Whatever. More work for later. When's the last time I ate? Maybe I should-

"PETITE LION!!" Oh boy. I didn't know Laf was here! "You are overworking yourzelf. I came here to zay one zing. Zleep."

"But.. Okay. Did you get my letter?" Ew. Did I just bounce up and down like I'm some little kid? I knew I was excited for him to read my letter, but not that much!

"I haven't finizhed it. It iz very long. Zank you zough."

"You're welcome!"

"Now, zleep. Zere iz zomeone you will want to meet later."

Who could Lay be talking about?

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