chapter 3

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Grace's POV

"Hey Cam is it okay if i go out for ice cream with Hayes?" 

"yeah thats fine. HAYES YOU BETTER HAVE HER BACK BY 10 SHARP!" Cam shouted across the room to Hayes, who then blushed and replied with a simple, "I will" and with that we leaft.

I think i really like Hayes, i mean like what is there not to like about him, he is the sweetest  guy i have ever met and his humor is amazing. and look at him he sure is fine.

We arrived at the ice cream shop and we both got mint chcolate chip and i got in line behind hayes to pay and then i heard him whisper something to the cashier and pay then walk away. I went to pay and then the lady said, "That young gentlemen already paid for you" pointing at Hayes.

I say down and said, "Thanks Hayes but you didnt have to."

"No problem. and a pretty girl like you shouldt be paying for her ice cream when shes out with a guy." 

I am probably the color of a tomato right now, ugh this is so embarrising. then my phone started ringing and it was kayals mom, this is weird but i answered it.

"Gracie?" her mom said and i could here she was balling her eyes out. so i got really worried.

"Whats wrong?" i asked back with worry in my voice.

"Its Kayla." she managed to say back

"Wh-What happened?"

"Shes in a coma and they dont know when shes gonna wake up of even if she will" she said back balling her eyes out.

At this point i was balling my eyes out, i had dropped my phone and hayes came over and hugged me and rubbed my back and played with my hair and said, "Grace, do you want to go talk to Cameron?"

i just nodded and hayes picked up my phone and had his arm around my shoulder the whole way home. then we got to the hotel and he wipes away my tears with his thumb and said, "Remember that theres a reason for everything, and its all gonna be okay in the end." he gave me a giant hug and then we walked in. 

Cameron ran over to me and Nash ran over to hayes. I was so tuned out because i was thinking about kayla and alls that i could hear was nash yelling at Hayes, "Hayes I swear to god if you hurt her im gonna kill you, shes like a little sister to me and i will kill you if you hurt her in any way." 

"Nash it wasnt me, she got a phone call and just dropped her phone and started crying, i dont know what happened, she just need Cameron right now." hayes said back 

Then i was snapped out of it when cameron gave me a huge hug and whispered in my ear, "Do you wanna go on a walk and talk about "this'?" i just nodded and Cam threw a hoddie at me to put on since it was getting cold out.

We were walking down the hall way when Jack G came out of his room and saw me crying in Cams chest then he ran over to me and gave me a big hug then next thing i know, im getting a hug from all of them, then me and Cam start walking and sit on a bench in the park. 

"Grace whats wrong?" cam whisperes

"its Kayla, shes in a co-coma, Cam i cant do this anymore, the doctors dont even know if shes gonna wake up. I wont be able to live without my best friend." i managed to say back and i was now crying so hard that i couldnt breath.

"Grace i know how hard this is for you, but you are gonna get through it, right now you need to calm down and breath."

"Cam i trying to calm down, but this is all my fault, i was supposed to be with her the whole summer. and if i was there this probably wouldnt have happened." I started running back to the hotel so i could just cry myself to sleep.

Cameron was running behind me and caught up to me and hugged me, "I love you Grace" i replied back with, "i love you to" and we walked back together, I walked into our hotel room and everyone was in there. nash got up and gave me a hug and said, "do you want me to kick them out?"

"No, it okay, im just gonna go to bed, but thanks." 

I covered my face so they couldnt see i was crying and i got in bed and put my head under the covered and cried. Then i felt a dip in the bed and someone pulled me into them and hugged me, i though it was cameron but then i knew it was Nash, because he said it was gonna be okay. i cried myslef to sleep.

Hayes POV

I think i really like Grace, she is so sweet and she is gorgeous, whe she got that phone call then started crying i just hugged her, i felt so bad. At the time i just wished that i knew what it was about so i could try and fix it. 

After her and Cam went on a walk they came back and you could tell she was crying and cam looked like he was about to cry. Grace went and laid in bed under the blankets and you could see how hard she was crying and cam came out of the bathroom and his eyes were all red and puffy. Nah knew that Cam needed to be alone so he went to comfort Gracie. Cam left the room and said he was just gonna walk around the halls and try to get his mind off of things. Before he left he tld nash what happened and nash just laid with Grace for the rest of the night.

Cam's POV

Grace told me what happened with kayla and i feel so bad for her, because i knew she was gonna feel like it her fault and right now alls i can do is comfort her and ask the guys to help comfort her too. Nash put her to sleep and he knows that she loves hugs so he told all the guys to hug her when she looks down. 

Im really upset about Kayla too, she was always at our house. She is always so sweet and funny and she makes Grace happy. I was walking when i got a phone call, the caller id was europe PD. thats weird......

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